The Train Leving Truro ..... in The odd entries from life …….
Revised: 05/08/2017 11:51 a.m.
- May 7, 2017, 5 p.m.
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This morning I would have been up just like any Sunday, my usual dashed to get to Church just to hear the notes being read out, but late last night I was told there would be a steam Train passing though Grampound Road.
My Daughter told me about the train coming through at nine thirty, so I got up at eight to wash my hear feed the dogs and feed myself, I was out of the house at nine twenty eight to make my best speed to the bridge; wondering which way the Train was coming from!
At the bridge every one was on Truro side, Richard was there with two small cameras, be for I could speak he was of to the Church and came back with a chair; it was for a boy how couldn’t see over bridge walls – that’s Richard.
I was concerned the steam Train would be late, and would hear the Train pass for the serves in Church; just then some one called ‘steam’ For a moment I saw nothing but next white steam bellowed over the trees, then the Train came round the bend to came at the bridge, Richard’s cameras were slow and upload each image until you could take the next shot …..
My Nikon works faster so I could capture eight images before I turned to cross the road, there all I could see was steam and the silly camera will not take a picture until it can focus on something, as the steam cleared I saw the last couches heading to St Austell; in the end I had twenty two images.
Richard and I were in the Church in good time, still we were in the notes ‘Now we can start the easement is over and the train had passed’ no mention it was a Steam Train!
Last updated May 08, 2017
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