The first day of the rest of my life. *Edit in Hello.

  • May 2, 2017, 3:12 a.m.
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I have allowed myself a couple of days of overindulgence. Today starts my weightloss/running programme. Although I might just make today a walk day because the sun is shining and I want to make the most of it! I’m not making excuses, a 4 mile walk to kick start my programme will cheer me up. I need to get back into walking distances again. When I first moved back to Cumbria I was walking around 10 miles two or three times a week. It’s good for my soul.
Start weght: 12st 9.2lb.

I decided to do day 1 of couch to 5k on my mam’s treadmill instead. As I was running, Danny Elfman’s Ice Dance came on (Shellie was going to have it playing as she came down the aisle) and I started to cry. I went to skip it, but remembered why I was running and left it on.
I will do this.

Last updated May 02, 2017

Pirate79 May 02, 2017

Good luck

Odd Socks May 02, 2017

It's definitely the weather to get out & about walking :) enjoy it! xx

Lucretia May 02, 2017

That's an emotive piece of music at the best of times!

Nice to have a treadmill, I'd like one; I'm not a fan of outdoor running (too many dogs, wet, rainy, icy, roads to cross).

Canadian Lass May 04, 2017

good luck!

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