Oops in Talk Story

  • April 28, 2017, 4:06 p.m.
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After weeks and weeks (and months) of rain… today is day two of an incredibly blue sky and warm sunshine…

For the past two weeks I have been suffering from allergies… most likely due to the pollen in the air… stuffy nose… cough… and feeling a bit dis-oriented from time to time…

Today I decided to work (play) in the back yard… clean up some of the debris from the wind, etc…

I discovered a large rock that I decided to move from one side of the yard… to the other… where I have a rock border around my latest landscaping effort…

I picked up this large stone… probably about 50 pounds in weight… and started across the yard… a bit of a struggle as it is one quarter of what I weigh…

As I got close to where I decided to place it… I started moving faster and faster not wanting to drop it and then have to pick it up again…

Well the weight was a little too far in front of me… so my balance was off just a bit… and that is when I tripped…

The rock went forward… and I guess I didn’t let go of it in time… because I tumbled forward as well…

There was no struggle on my part… just fell forward… landing on my right side…

The next thing I knew is that I was on the ground… a bit embarrassed I suppose… but then I was alone so no big deal…

I lay there for some time… as not only was I comfortable… but in a bit of a haze as well…

Eventually I was able to stand up… put the rock where I wanted it… and headed back to the house…

In the bathroom… while looking at my arm in the mirror… discovered a fair amount of blood… and what will eventually become a bruised elbow…

I cleaned my arm with hydrogen peroxide… put a bandage over the cut to keep the blood off my clothes… shook my head at my… well… maybe my impulsiveness in moving the rock when my balance was already in question due to my allergies…

But as I sit here typing this entry… my arm feels fine… the rock looks great where it is in the yard… and now I’m going to fix myself a snack…

Thanks for drifting by… and for your notes to me…

Aloha oe.........

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