When the day is done in Random Thoughts

  • March 15, 2017, 7:49 a.m.
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So many words i could share, we will see what spills out this morning.

Yesterday i was thinking that i would love to have hair the color of the morning. Ian said it would be various shades of pewter (as it would today), but yesterday it would have been a luciferous (my new vocab word) blue or luminescent purple. I like the idea that my hair would have the nuanced shades of morning, and maybe even have movement that represents the morning’s weather.

The rain. The rain. The rain. It has been oppressive. I’ve lived on the west side of the PNW since 1995 and this winter/spring has just been doggedly determined to turn us all into raisins!

My uncle John texted me to ask when i get off of work today. I am afraid that means he is going to call me with bad news (i’m always worried that my grandpa is going to die, he is in his 80’s), but i hope he is just calling to make family reunion plans. We plan to meet in Minneapolis June 29-July 1.

From there, i head to Chicago for my first ever visit! I am super excited to explore that city, eat its food, meet its people. Make one or two really awesome connections along the way.

Last week i spent a few days in Seattle for a conference. I volunteer, so my entry is free. I stay with friends who are a light rail trip away from downtown and the conference. I ate too much food (Ethiopian, Hawaiian, Ramen), played with a shy and wonderful 3.5 year old, saw my brother, and a couple old friends. Quite wonderful.

I started last week with a cold on Monday, boo. I had to call in sick. Then, i needed to come to school for a meeting and sub plans, because i was out Wed-Fri for the conference.

Highlight: Hothouse, an all woman’s bathhouse with steam room, sauna, hot tub, quiet room, cold plunge. I visited it for a couple hours after my Wednesday conference. I think it kicked the cold right out of me! At least the lingering aspect of it- perhaps it shortened the cold by a few days.

Highlight2- exploring the city i love. I have a firm love foundation with Seattle. I lived (and loved) there from 1997 to the beginning of 2002. I was 20-25. Wow. Going back makes me happy. Incredibly so. Sometimes i think i could live there again, but it would be prohibitively expensive.

I didn’t get to see everyone i wanted to, so i will head back for a couple days on my spring break. At least then i won’t have to spend 8 hours each day listening to lecture.

I found a sticky spot in my psyche. In my emotions. I’ve made leaps and bounds of progress at work, but my personal life is the tough place. I have quite a bit to say, but i am not sure i actually have the time to get it all out. My sub cancelled for the afternoon, so i wasn’t going to write plans and i was going to just get that extra work done another day. But! Someone just took it and now i need to make sure they know what to do!

I am looking forward to:
1. a yoga philosophy series i am taking, re-reading the Bhagavad Gita and answering questions for discussion
2. seeing Ian this Friday night after the yoga philosophy talk (younger Carmen would have just not gone to the talk, but this-moment Carmen made a better decision)

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