16 weeks in Baby Stuff

  • Jan. 29, 2014, 9:42 p.m.
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Well this week has been fine in regards to my energy level, but I'm still often pissed off about various things. I wish I was a less pissed-off pregnant lady, but little things really get under my skin, such as when trash gets left out that I have to clean up, or dishes left somewhere that I have to clean up. I sent an e-mail to Jacob and my sister outlining the things I need help with, since no matter how many times I ask, they don't seem to understand. It's really grating on me.

I'm insanely busy. I spend about two to three hours cleaning in the morning (seriously, how do I find this much stuff to clean everyday?), after getting breakfast for Cannon and myself. Then Cannon is in a bad mood in the morning usually (weaning had been difficult for him) and he gets upset when he can't constantly watch something on Netflix (sigh) so I have to try to distract him with other things. Then lunch time rolls around, so I have to prepare food for us. Then I finally get him to sleep for a nap, which is the only time I get to sit down and do homework (he takes a 1.5 to 3 hour nap, depending on the day). Then he gets up, I feed him a snack, and do some other housework that needs done, and get dinner started (if it's not quick and easy, then I wait). Then I take care of Cannon, and Jacob gets home. We have dinner, Cannon needs a bath, etc. Cannon usually stays up until 12.30 to 1am lately (ugh) and then I plan my sister's lessons for the next day... and then I can barely get myself ready for bed and then I go to sleep. I have class Mondays and Tuesdays at night, so that throws a wrench in my study time too.

It's really hard to get work done with such a busy schedule. So far I'm managing, but I'm very, very stressed.

Anyway, I'm not really having any new symptoms. I just pregnant. :P I haven't been craving anything much. I'm not really hungry as much as normal, but I think I should start snacking more. I don't eat much as it is because with this kid I just haven't been hungry, but I've been trying to force myself. I'm sure I've gained some weight this time, but my appointment is a week from today so we will see.

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