The Guys in Talk Story

  • Feb. 22, 2017, 9:29 p.m.
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I don’t eat breakfast… eat dinner at home… but go out to lunch almost every day…

I don’t know of a restaurant here in Brookings that I have not had a meal at some time during the ten years I have lived here…

I take a book with me when I go out to lunch… if someone wants to join me that’s great… and if not… I have my book to keep me occupied… as I don’t want to just sit there and eat…

More and more… I get together with a group of men… a couple of them are doctors… several are pilots… and a couple have worked at the mill in the past… all are retired…

We get teased a bit… as other patrons call us the “men’s group”… which of course… I guess we are…

For me… it satisfies a need for socialization… to talk story about things that are not familiar to me (medicine and flying)…

I don’t see these guys at any other time other than our meals together… several are married… a couple have girlfriends… and a couple like myself are… well… really single…

More and more I am grateful for the friends that have come into my life… and allowed me to come into theirs…

The rain continues… but tonight it’s suppose to be cold… with a clear sky… and clear and sunny tomorrow… a nice change…

All remains well with me…

Aloha oe…

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