Downsizing. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- Feb. 6, 2017, 3:03 p.m.
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My cats have finally calmed down. And by “cats”, I mean Kira. She was so thrown off when I moved back in with my dad last week. Poor thing. She was all ‘WTF IS THIS SHIT, DADDY, WHEN ARE WE GOING HOME?” They spent the first five months of their life here, though I’m not sure if they remember. It was really weird, as Kira had never hissed at her sister before. I gave her space, as it was clear she was just grumpy and pissed off. She even hissed at me, which she had never done before. Poor thing.
Next time I move, definitely investing in movers. For three days, I moved nearly nonstop. Just. Yeah, no. I can handle it, but it was not fun.
As for the why, well. I loved having my own space, but living alone was definitely effecting my emotions. Moreover, so many Candi associations. I shouldn’t have stayed there so long. I was holding onto something that didn’t exist?
But, since Tashina and I got close, it felt like time to move on. I wanted to shed as many physical possessions as possible. I threw out so many things simply because “oh, this reminds me of Candi”. Way overdue. I kept a few very small trinkets. We DID date for over five years. She’s a quality girl, she’s just not the girl for me. Offhand, I kept my engagement ring, and a Christmas ornament. Like I said, small.
I threw out so much stuff. SO MUCH. I kept asking myself “Do I really need this? Will I want this when I move to Oklahoma?” Shelves. A carpet. Some stuff I actually liked, but I reminded myself “If I want this again, Tashina and I can just buy this together.”
I let myself mourn. When I handed in my keys to the office, I cried. I called Tashina and (thankfully) hit her voicemail. That is, that message is there for posterity. My face was red and my lips were chapped from the cold, so I figured my dad wouldn’t notice.
(She was a dear and called me back.)
It was such chaos when I first brought everything in. Now… I can see carpet. Things in their places.
But yes, my cats. T’Pol adjusted quickly. Kira was completely out of her element. T’Pol just wanted food, but Kira was aggressive. Completely unlike her. I separated their food dishes. I may continue this, as T’Pol has a bad habit of trying to sneak-eat her sister’s food. She knows she shouldn’t do it, as whenever I say her name, she skirts off. Cats are smart - they will get away with whatever they feel they can.
Just one step closer to Her, as we say. I fathom there will still be more downsizing. Heck, yesterday, I dumped out my toolbox and threw out a bunch of stuff I’d never used. Because the strange irony is that living with my dad means I will be motivated to get the hell out of here.
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