Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
- March 9, 2017, 4:15 p.m.
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I am thankful cold weather doesn’t last forever, even if it feels like it sometimes, global warming is not happening here this week.
I am thankful for open dialogue about difficult topics.
I am thankful for change and perspective.
I am thankful for warm puppies and kitties.
I am thankful that in almost 2 weeks I’ll see my grandson and his parental figures.
I am thankful for my men and women peeps, you rock.
I am thankful my grandson’s parent had a good birthday.
I am thankful that my grandson may come and spend a few weeks with us this summer!!!!
I am thankful for change and perspective, yes twice this week, seems a lot of both going lately.
And I am thankful for all of you!!!
Happy Thursday!!!
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