Sydney Mardi Gras 2017 in Adventures in paradise

  • March 7, 2017, 2:58 p.m.
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As usual, I am behind on writing about what’s happened haha.

Anyway, after that last entry I wrote in the hotel about being a bit nervous, and now that Mardi gras is over for another year, I can say that it was probably one of my favourite ones yet. I had so much fun!

Of course I had to change my profile picture, if anything to piss my family off.
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I was by myself for the majority of it, which I do prefer. The times I wasn’t alone was when I went to Andrew’s hotel on Oxford Street to catch up with him and one of my housemates who decided to come down for it, so that was exciting, although having two other gays is so much drama and organizing who’s doing what and where and gahh, I was so glad just to be doing my own thing. No wonder I don’t have a husband haha.

The Underwhere? Party was fun! I didn’t actually take a lot of pictures this year because, let’s face it, it’s usually the same sequins and outfits and colours from every other year and lord knows I have enough of those entries :P
I did however try something a bit different and Snapchatted a lot of what I was up to, you know, so it’s more instant and in the moment, but because I never want to forget too much of my life, I generally save most of my Snapchats, but don’t worry for anyone who had to tediously sit through the 200+ Snapchats I took at the parade, I only uploaded some of my favourite ones to here haha. So you’re safe, plus Snapchats aren’t any longer than 10 seconds.
Anyway, here’s an indication of what my first party was like at Arq.
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I was seriously impressed with that party this year. They’d organised it well, the cloakroom chicks were all in a happy mood, the barstaff were efficient given the crowds. It was sold out and even the crowd control was to be commended. I ran into quite a few Brisbane people I knew from back home including Chris and Kurt (both such hotties) and even Tiago (the hot muscly Brazillian guy who’s been ignoring me ever since haha). I paid him out about his “Brisbane’ cap that he was wearing. He was only AT that party because I told him he should come down and show off his body to everyone. So glad he did. My Sydney-crush, Luke, unfortunately was nowhere to be seen, nor was Liam, whom I’ve seen there in past years. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
Unfortunately I got stuck downstairs at the wrong time and when I attempted to get back upstairs, I wasn’t allowed, so that was pretty shit, but I’ve learned for next time. Because Sydney has a 1:30am lockout law, everyone rushes in at that time and the crowd became too much and they weren’t letting people upstairs for like half-hour periods. It was then that I decided that I’d had a good night and decided to call it quits, and I went back to my lovely hotel.

My hotel - man, I did well with this one. I booked it probably 9 months ago or so and got a pretty decent rate. The hotel itself doesn’t have that many attractions, but the room was pretty decent and my bed was like sleeping on a cloud, plus it was Kingsize! I have a Queen bed at home so I wasn’t used to the more square shape of this one, but you could easily fit three or four people on it.
You know how Facebook lets you know people are nearby (if you have the setting on)? I think it’s a pretty cool feature so I leave mine on. Turns out a really cute Gold Coast guy I know, David, was staying somewhere in Potts Point also with a group of friends (according to his social media) so he flashed up as nearby on my facebook and he was kind enough to send a wave to me. I sent one back. So that was kind of him. Man if that boy didn’t already have a husband, I’d be climbing him like a tree. The sad thing is that I had my chance once upon a time, but I was way too nervous at the time.

I had to be careful the mirror wasn’t showing my bare-ass in this one LOL.

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And I was in Potts Point, a suburb I didn’t know that much about, so it was nice to check out the cafes and shops and walk through the garden at the end of the street which had a view over to the Harbour Bridge. Anyway, I did take a few pics, but they are pretty lame compared to previous years.
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On the Friday, it was my free day so I hung out with Andrew when he finished work and Coop when he arrived.
I had lunch at OPorto and burst out laughing that they’d changed their menu to suit the occasion
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It was Coop’s first Mardi Gras but he sure as hell knew a lot of people walking along the gay-strip haha. He was stopping to hug everyone, because he’s from Melbourne and they were obviously all up in Sydney partying. Google Maps had even gayed out the street on their app, which was pretty cool to see.
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We went out to Stonewall that night and the line to get into the club was gigantic. Somehow, through sheer fluke, we skipped the line and were allowed in. Coop has stupidly left his ID back in Brisbane so was trying to get a fake ID to get into the clubs and it worked to start with, but then he didn’t have the $5 to get in so came out again where we were, and as he’d given his ID back to the owner, they then wouldn’t let him back into the bar. Ergh. Twinks these days. So he tried a few other ways but nothing worked and he ended up going back to the hotel lol. Andrew and I stayed on in the club and had a great night. Some American guy was wearing a similar shirt to what I was wearing except his design was a tiger and mine was a lion, so he latched onto me for a while. He was actually really cute but I was onto him just trying to use me to buy him drinks. He’d already convinced me to pay his entry (which was only $5) and I was annoyed because I would have rathered pay that for my housemate than some cute American twink haha. Oh well, it didn’t work out that way.
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He hung around me for a little while and then decided to head off to Palms when he saw he wasn’t getting free drinks out of me, which is a club I’ve still never been to, which was across the road.
Here’s some Stonewall Snaps

I finally left and made my walk home. A gay couple were walking in front of me and as we got stuck at the lights, they asked how my night was and made small talk. Turns out they were over from Vancouver! They knew all about the gay bars in my city, so it sounded like they go to a lot of gay pride events. They arrived at their hotel and invited me in for a drink, but I politely declined and told them to have a good night. They weren’t really my type, nor was I really in the mood for a three-way with a couple. Nice guys though. I was just in a good mood from my night, and probably all the booze running through me.

Had a good sleep, and of course took a bed-selfie t oadd to my Snapchat Story
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I met up with Andrew again on the Saturday before the parade. We wandered around for a while and took a few pics of each other in Kinds Cross.
This is the shirt I wore to the parade haha. I think it’s cute. A Russian woman actually stopped me as we were walking and asked to take a picture, so that was nice, plus I got quite a few comments on it from people at the party after the parade
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Some street-art
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One of the shops in Potts Point
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This was a deli right near my hotel that may or may not have taken a lot of my money over my time there :P
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I made my way down to the parade and filmed a little bit of Taylor Square. I could see where Joel Creasey and the hosts of the SBS telecast were sitting and the Snapchat actually turned out pretty good with the fire, but I know how busy this section gets so I went further down the road to my usual area.

The parade was good. I had a pretty good view and pretty much filmed the whole thing haha. Not sure why I do that, probably so my friends can see it if they want to, even though the whole thing is shown on TV anyway haha. There was a boy across the barricades on the other side that I was in lust with. He was so beautiful! And of course none of my sneaky pics of him showed up very well and it started raining at a few points as well. Anyway, he’s the one of the left.

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I seriously must have spent half the parade looking at the floats and the other half at him LOL.
But he didn’t even look back at me once :(
Another unrequited love haha.

Here’s some of the random floats that I decided to upload.
I was pretty excited to see Steve Grand. And thankfully he saw me at the end of this one and gave me a wave :D

And here’s Troye Sivan on the Qantas float

Apparently Brent Corrigan and Lucy Lawless were also there, but I didn’t get to see either of them. That’s twice I’ve missed Brent!

Then straight after the parade was the Party. Man, what fun. The Veronicas only performed one song, which pissed a lot of people off. Tegan and Sara had pulled out of performing, so that sucked. Luckily for me, Steve Grand was performing but I had to wait until 4:30am for his set, so I pretty much got my ticket money’s worth, I doubt anyone else did. I kind of just sat around for the stands for a few hours killing time waiting to see Steve’s set haha.
This guy from Manchester started chatting to me in the stands. He was alright to talk with to start with but then things went a bit pearshaped when he started bagging out my city and then after a while decided to tell me, “You’re really hard to talk to.”
I almost laughed at him, and thought to myself, “Well why the FUCK are you talking to me then!? Geeeez.” So that was basically the end of that conversation. Luckily it was when I saw my friend Rick nearby so I ditched the UK-bitch and went down to say hi to him. I also met his boyfriend for the first time after years of hearing about him. But then Rick went to use the bathroom and I didn’t see him for the rest of the night haha.

I saw a few other people I knew there, and that American guy found me again and said hi and gave me a bit of a feel. I didn’t recognize him because he was wearing a piplup. Then the Brazillian guy I’ve been hooking up with recently back in Brisbane found me and introduced me to his group of three friends and then leaned in and passionately started making out with me in front of them LOL. Hilarious!

Mardi Gras Party vids

And Steve Grand - full set video

I got home that night/morning at about 5:30am, maybe even 6am and I got no sleep whatsoever. I checked Grindr before bed and I actually ended up hooking up with a guy who was staying in the same hotel as me, just on one of the floors above. To start with, I couldn’t even get it up (Sooooo frustrating) but I figured it was from all the booze I’d been drinking, although I didn’t think I’d actually had all that much to drink that night, but I guess given the predrinks before I left, I may have. Anyway, he was really kind and offered for us to just go to sleep and to try again in the morning. He was really wanting me to fuck him. I ended up not sleeping at all, just laying there with my eyes closed and thinking about the party’s I’d been to. Also knowing that flight was looming ahead meant I couldn’t relax at all. Plus I had to get up numerous times to go piss, and I drank a fuckton of water out of the bathroom tap because I’d stupidly forgotten to stock up on more of it before I’d left for the night. Ergh, when will I learn?
Anyway, maybe an hour or so later, my body decided to behave itself and I got hard, which of course he noticed and next thing I knew he was on top of me and I was having some of the best sex I’ve had in a long time. That guy really knew some moves. He was a hockey player and him and a group of about 20 were all in Sydney for a game, so he had really good legs from running and squatting a lot as a part of the sport. And a really down to Earth guy too. I came all over his chest haha, and eventually he got off too. So that was a good ending.
I pretty much had to pack up and leave by the time that happened. I offered him the leftover booze in my fridge that I hadn’t used up, which he kindly took off my hands, since he was still in Sydney for one more day.

I had to be on an 11am flight back to Brisbane because I was seeing Adele that night, but that can wait for another entry since there’s enough media in this entry already. I passed out asleep on the plane and don’t even remember the flighties doing the safety demonstration haha. I came home and passed out for a few hours, managing to wake up for and get to the Adele concert. But yeah, next time. I’m spent!

kmh. March 07, 2017

Glad you had a good time! I enjoyed watching your Snapchat story :)

KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ March 08, 2017

Haha I was like, 'People are gonna be so annoyed with me' :P

~Octopussy~ March 10, 2017

This sounds like an awesome experience. Well done with the hockey player!

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