I can show you the world in LOL
- Feb. 2, 2017, 12:11 p.m.
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- Public
Apparently Trump hung up the phone abruptly on our Prime Minister today LOL.
Last updated February 02, 2017
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Perpetually Plump ⋅ February 02, 2017
All I can say is that this is what happens when people don't get off their asses and vote.
KissOfLife! Perpetually Plump ⋅ February 03, 2017
It still stuns me that 3 MILLION+ extra votes still manages to lose one the presidency over there lol. How many extra are needed to claim it? :O
Yeah I know, 'Electoral College' blah blah, but yes, you're right!
~Octopussy~ ⋅ February 03, 2017
I'm embarrassed.
colojojo ⋅ February 06, 2017
What a fucktard