Oral History Practicum and the Demise of OD in The Daily (2014)

  • Jan. 29, 2014, 3:24 p.m.
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I don't know if I mentioned this in any of my previous entries but I am currently enrolled in an Oral History practicum. I'm working with another girl in the class on a project interviewing members of two small community based Pride societies, one in her small city and one in mine. Today I managed to finally get ahold of a guy from the Pride Society in my neighbourhood. I am meeting with him next week. So anxious about it. I was so anxious about the phone call too. I don't know if it worked out- I stumbled over my words a lot. But I think it will be okay.

I wish I had something interesting to write about because I really feel like doing it. I want to break in this new space. It is sad to see OD go, but I sort of want to will this place into awesomeness.

AmINatalie January 28, 2014

I am from OD as well. Really bummed it's shutting down but I think Prosebox is good so far. I think they will see a huge influx of OD'ers joining in the next week lol. Feel free to add me if you wish :)

softea AmINatalie ⋅ January 28, 2014

so many of us, eh?!

Miso Honey January 28, 2014

Good luck, I am sure it will turn out awesome!

softea Miso Honey ⋅ January 28, 2014

Thanks! I hope so!

The Thirsty Oriental January 28, 2014

Heh… you said "oral."

softea The Thirsty Oriental ⋅ January 28, 2014


softea January 29, 2014

oh yay! I'm so glad that you found me!

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