10 People/Characters who sparked my sexual awakening in LOL

  • April 20, 2017, 5:28 a.m.
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Stealing this from Mel! :)

10 people/characters who sparked my sexual awakening.

This was harder than I thought! I hope I haven’t missed anyone important who may have slipped my mind. I did number these but for some reason they all show up as 1. Just pretend.

  1. Jonathan Taylor Thomas
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As the later seasons of ‘Home Improvement’ hit the airways, I was growing up at the same time and certain parts of my body showed their approval quite often when the older brother in the series had screen-time. He had a gorgeous face and awesome teeth, and even had a bit of a body going on! Wowzers in my trousers.

  1. Ryan Phillipe
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He’s still hot even now. But when I watched Cruel Intentions back in the 90’s, I was so envious of those girls who had their paws all over him. Reow!

  1. Matthew Werkmeister
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He played Zeke in ‘Neighbours’ from 2005 for a few years, and I was glued to the screen. I don’t know what it was, but I thought he was the cutest thing ever. I then heard he was dating one of the chicks from ‘Home And Away’. Who knows where he is now.

  1. Rey Mysterio Jr.
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Now, not the usual type of guy I would or do go for, but I was pretty obsessed with Rey Mysterio, especially when he won his WWE matches and would throw guys around the ring. He could throw my ring around anytime :P
I used to love the flying kicks he’d do from on top of the wrestling-ring corners. I think I was as attracted to this athleticism as I was his colourful outfits.

  1. Ryu (from Street Fighter)
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I remember him looking more Asian-y for some reason in the circa-1993 Nintendo game that I used to play as a kid, but it’s actually pretty scary how obsessed with Ryu I was haha! I used to always choose his character (when I wasn’t choosing the girl LOL) and I got turned on by his powers that he used and his muscles and I even fell in love with his story when I used to win the entire game with him and he’d walk off on his own with the title.

  1. Link (from The Legend Of Zelda)
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You know, for someone who doesn’t play video games much (I didn’t even play this one), I was pretty attracted to Link! I mean, blonde hair, blue eyes, can defend himself. What more could I want?
I absolutely loved it when they mocked Link in ‘Drawn Together’ and made him a gay character (“Xandir”).

  1. Justin Berfield
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I watched Malcolm In The Middle purely to perve on him. He was soooooo dreamy to me. Then I ended up loving the show as well, so that helped. But yeah, many a night as a teen watching this guy in the show and then retiring to my bedroom with my hand. I mean, dreams.... Yes…

  1. Jesse McCartney
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Omg, fucking dreamboat, I tell ya what! I think I had more posters of this guy on my bedroom wall than any other guy. He’s also aged well and still looks hot now. So he could do me then and he can do me now.
How my parents didn’t clue on when I was a teen, I have no idea. My brother’s room was full of posters of motorbikes and chicks and mine was like male actors and singers HA!

  1. David Gallagher
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Another guy I pretty much grew up watching, and it’d just be creepy if I said from the first season, as he was no more than a little kid then , but get into it about 7 seasons or so and I was like, “Helllllllllllllllllo nurse!” That perfect blonde streaked windswept hair made me want to jump him.

  1. Brenton Thwaits
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One of the more recent obsessions (ie. current) - This guy could take a dump on me after he fucked me senseless and I would say ‘Thank-you”.
He’s still my ultimate dreamboat and no guy should be that attractive. He once hinted in an interview that he dates girls and guys, and I just about went insane, but apparently he’s married to some chick these days and has a kid. Lucky bitch. :P

Last updated April 20, 2017

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