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Byron Bay trip again! in Adventures in paradise

  • Feb. 9, 2017, 8:12 a.m.
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I haven’t written in ages and I have 150 entries to catch up on, so bare with me - oh wait, I mean bear with me :P

On Monday I went over to Scotty’s house for a swim, as he tends to invite our little group every so often or whenever he’s not doing anything with his boyfriend. I was the first to arrive again and we just chatted for a while until Vish and James arrived, and then this time, Mitch and his new boyfriend Jamar (I think) joined us. I’d never seen Mitch at Scotty’s before, so that was a nice surprise. It was cute seeing how into each other Mitch and Jamar were.
So, there I was, once again, surrounded my couples lol. Scott has a boyfriend (who I’ve still never met), Vish and James are a couple and now Mitch and Jamar are a couple, and there’s single-me, swimming around lol.
Scotty and I wrestled a bit in the pool, which was a bit of fun. Mitch and him did as well. Jamar had just met us all, so was probably thinking what a bunch of freaks we were.
Afterward, we all went back to James and Vish’s place, which is just up the road a bit in the next suburb in Kangaroo Point, because they wanted to show off their new furniture to everyone. Which was specifically ordered up and delivered from Melbourne. Typical gays lol.
It was late when I walked home and I probably got to sleep around 3pm.

The next day, I decided to go on a spontaneous trip to Byron Bay. I was only there over New Years, but that was moreso in Lismore than Byron, so I looked online at some hotel prices and chose the best reviewed one for a fairly decent price. I caught the 2:30pm bus which meant I’d arrive at 7:10pm (one hour time difference in NSW). A group of three Irish lads got on the bus at Surfer’s Paradise and sat right in front of me and one across from me. They were hilarious! They’d brought a bottle of Passion Pop aboard the coach (when it’s illegal to drink on buses lol) and opened it (the ‘pop’ of the cork gave that away) and then they were swigging it behind the bus seats. The bus driver totally knew but luckily that day we had a really cool bus driver who was very talkative over the speaker and just turned a blind eye. The boys weren’t doing any harm. The third boy across from me had fallen asleep so I think they’d already had a few big nights.
I’m such a creeper LOL. I liked his legs, what can I say?
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so I pretty much got some food and went straight to the hotel. They had closed for the day (EVERYWHERE closes early in Byron Bay, you know, cos they are so chilled and all) but whilst I was on the bus, I received a text message telling me that my keys were in the safe right outside the door and they texted me what the code was. So that was nice. And sure enough, I open the safe and there’s my name as well as some other names that sounded Asian-y. Probably a married couple, I figured.
The sign outside the hotel was saying ‘No vacancy’ so it’s good I booked at home. There were still a fair few available when I looked. I paid the $10 more for the 1-bedroom and I’m glad I did. I was pretty happy with how spacious the room was, and the shower too.
I’ll mainly tell this entry in pictures because I need to get to sleep early.

I like how my phone automatically puts my photos into collages after I get home. It seemed to work this time, so I’ve just decided to screenshot them and put them here.
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This was basically the hotel and the grounds. I had to walk over the railway line which was direct access to the beach from the back of the hotel. Snazzy.
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The bottom three pics here are just paintings that were around my hotel room, depicting Byron.
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Me, deciding I didn’t want to check out of the hotel, although the bed was a little bit hard for me. Not what I’m used to at home. Supposedly better for your back, but I just woke up with a sore arm.
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I did hook up with a guy in Byron. He happened to be staying in the same hotel, in a room just below mine lol. Muscly, tatted guy with Asian genes in him. I went to grab his dick but he stopped me because he was too sunburned, so no guesses as to where he’d been earlier that day (ie, probably the gay beach). It was okay, nothing amazing, he got me off and I went back upstairs.

The next day I went for a massive-ass hike to the most Eastern point of Australia. It doesn’t seem like it would be when you’re standing on the beach and look at how huge the bay is, but I’m terrible with directions haha. I’d been to the lighthouse in the past, so I didn’t go up there, but the hike in thongs just about killed me and I realized exactly how unfit I must be haha. I was carrying my little bag I guess, as I’d checked out of the hotel because I was only there overnight. That might have made it easier.
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Me, posing in front of the Pacific. I was so excited because I actually managed to spot two dolphins below! Such beautiful creatures. They were in the far distance though so I couldn’t get photos but it was definitely a highlight for me. I’d love to come back in May - November when the whales pass through.
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Just some photos from my walk. That guy was really hot and I snuck a photo of him applying his sunscreen :P
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There was some circus thingy happening, if the link works. I never know how to get Facebook video links to work here, yet the photos do.

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After the earlier hike to the Eastern point, I decided to stupidly head in the other direction to see if I could find this nude beach that Andrew had told me about. I didn’t go to the gay beach this time, as it didn’t really bother me all that much, so I just kept walking and walking for ages. It surprised me that even though I’d walked for ages, the nude beach wasn’t hidden or anything, like the gay beach is. There were only a couple of older guys there, but still, that was enough crack for me for one day.
You can’t tell from this pic, but yeah that’s one of the guys lol. I didn’t want to get caught taking photos on a nudist beach haha.
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In boring news, I was back to work today. There seems to be some new staff who have started, or maybe staff from others stores were helping out, I dunno. My manager has been away sick all week, which explains the Facebook messages I was getting on my days off asking if I wanted to work. I just ignored them. I can’t stand when someone from work adds me to Facebook and then only uses it as a platform to ask me to work from. Fuck that. Text me like a normal person.
I was invited drinking with them again tomorrow night, which was nice to get the invite, but I’m so boring socially with my workmates. I don’t really click with them like I do my outside-work friends, but I guess it’s staff bonding either way. I haven’t decided if I’ll go yet. I bailed on them last time. It’s at a straight venue this time, apparently. How exciting lol.

I’ve got a few big weeks, which I want to try and write about, because I do like to record my life. I was going to make a video entry down in Byron but the wind was just too much and it would have been a fail like my Burleigh one was where all you can see if my lips moving and the howling on the wind replacing my words haha. The Noosa one was better because the beach is more protected. I just want to get better at the video entries by doing them more often.

This coming weekend, I’m off to Ryan’s again, so I’m jumping on a plane to Sydney. I hadn’t heard from him in AGGGGES, so I figured he must’ve found a fuckbuddy. In fact, I think he has, because he asked me if I wanted to have a threesome with this guy, and he sent me a photo of him. God, the last time I had a threesome was quite a few years ago. I mean, it could be fun, but I think it’ll just be us two. Ryan wants me try pot with him, because I’ve hardly done it, but that’s because I know how bad I am with drugs, even if it is only the green stuff. I’m so hopeless, although I did ingest it that horrible experience I had. I was fine in Amsterdam, although Andrew thinks that’s because I didn’t hold the smoke in long enough. I dunno, I’m pretty clueless. I was just excited to be doing it, and legally.
So I dunno if that’s gonna happen. I don’t want to be coming down the whole time I’m in Sydney. I’m actually flying down Sunday after work and coming back Thursday before work, so I’m making the maximum usage of my days off this time, which is kinda cool. The flight back was cheap but the flight there was pricey, so luckily I could use up some of my points for the exxy Sunday afternoon flight down there. They hike them up on every airline because people want to get home after the weekend.

Then the week after that, I have the Atomic Kitten, S Club 3, B*Witched, Liberty X and East 17 concert on the Saturday night, the week after that I’ve taken the Saturday off to go check out Sunshine Coast Pride (which I don’t think will be all that exciting, but it’s something I haven’t been to), then the week after that I’m BACK in Sydney for the Sydney Gay And Lesbian Mardi Gras. This will be like my 12th one or something. I’ve lost count. I’m going to the Underwhere? Party (which is always fun!) AND the main party, purely because Steve Grand has been announced as a performer. I’m really hoping he performs early and not at 4am like I saw advertised somewhere because I need to be on a flight back that morning to Brisbane, but at least I can sleep on that and I have the Adele concert that night.

Then the week after that is Big Gay Day, which is basically the lame version of Mardi Gras in my city and a few days after that is the Justin Bieber concert. Don’t knock it. I saw him last time and he was fucking unreal, so I’ll put up with all the screaming bitches again. I have my earplugs ready. I’m not even doing to wear a disguise this time. In fact, I’ll be attending it with a few other guys and we’re all wearing My Little Pony T-Shirts LOL. It should be a laugh.

Speaking of shirts, my gay shirts I ordered arrived. I’m really happy with them :)

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I went with the v-neck for the last one, although I think it may be too big for me and I might have to hock it off as a present. Will give it a go.
I’m so sunburned from all that walking. I put on sunscreen but as usual, I never learn. It obviously wasn’t enough.

Phew, I think that’s all I wanted to say. They opened a new service station on the bus on the way back from Byron so that was kinda cool that the bus stopped in there. It was all sparkly and new. I didn’t get back on the wrong bus this time like I did last time LOL.

Oh we have a new housemate moving in on Monday apparently. An 18yo hairdresser. Apparently a really good one. I don’t have any say, this is all Andrew’s (my landlord) decision. We’ll see how it goes. Also, Braydon messaged me asking if he can move back in. That’ll sure as hell make things interesting. Andrew is considering it, now that he knows how much much Braydon has been flirting with me since he’s been single. I think it’s all attention-seeking, but who knows? It’d be cool to live with him again.

I’ll try and backtrack on your entries soon.

Last updated February 09, 2017

Honestleigh February 10, 2017

Your photos of other dudes crack me up.

I'm super envious of all your travels. It looks so amazing. Wait, I think I'm also envious of your hooking up freestyle-ness. :)

KissOfLife! Honestleigh ⋅ February 10, 2017

Aww thankyou!

Complicated Disaster February 10, 2017

I loved Byron Bay when I was there like 10 years ago. Good times.

KissOfLife! Complicated Disaster ⋅ February 10, 2017

It probably hasn't changed a bit. So chilled there :)

aussie_powers February 10, 2017

Love Byron

Swanny February 10, 2017

I didn’t get back on the wrong bus this time like I did last time - hahahaha good to hear!

~Octopussy~ February 14, 2017

It sounds like you have a lot of fun going on. I should do that. Take a little trip. I think the roommate situation sounds interesting, but wasn't Braydon a handful?

KissOfLife! ~Octopussy~ ⋅ February 19, 2017

Braydon was the one I didnt talk to for the first two weeks because I had such a lust-crush on him. He used to also walk around the house in just a jockstrap. He was a good housemate. Ayden was the insane one that my landlord fell in love with.

theinkykitkat February 17, 2017

The beach looks lovely! I was in Sydney and Melbourne last August and it was a bit chilly. We didn't make it to any of the beaches, sadly. It was quite a relief seeing as how it was summer at home and temps were close to 35º-37ºC.

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