Lathargy in Second 1st

  • Jan. 25, 2017, 3:11 a.m.
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Since being sick recently, I’m having trouble with time.... I’ve been getting up way too early to do things around the house then don’t do anything all day. Nap with Rocky early afternoon and then can’t sleep when I lay down to bed at night. Luckily this has not happened yet on nights before I work but it’s disheartening. I haven’t worked on The Leopard or any kind of crochet in over a week.

I have no list of things to do for the morning.... nothing. I know there are things to be done.... I just have no determination to do them. Lucky for the cat I still feel obligated to get up at 4 and feed him/clean his pan.

Must be pretty cool to be a cat. It’s no wonder he prances around here so regally. I think I would too if someone fed me and collected my shit.

It’s 9pm… I’m old… I should go to sleep, after all I’ll be up way too early to do nothing for 6 hours till Rocky gets up and then likely nothing interesting the whole rest of the day. I’m not tired, not really… but I have nothing else I need to/want to do tonight.

We got back from groceries and I took a nap. I slept for 3 hours then got up and made pizza bagels.... slept for another hour..... got up and read a blogger I’ve missed. Thought she had been gone for good because of the time on the last entry on a previous blog but she just decided to start fresh. So, glad she’s still here. All caught up now.

I sometimes feel I should take on more PB friends.... more blogs I read a lot. I currently have 3 and none post everyday.... nor do I expect they read me everyday as I lead a rather boring life I think. We probably all think that about our own lives though. It’s nice to live in someone else’s shoes for a little bit. NO matter how little they think they are. Because when finding a mate and having children are actually problems.... your life has to be going pretty well.

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