We can give you a lift, Matt in Adventures in paradise
- Jan. 30, 2017, 4:14 a.m.
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I went over to Steve’s place on the northside last night for yet another ‘roast pork night’. It’s the second time this month that we’ve done this. The other was just after Christmas.
I was just going to catch a train and an Uber there, because I hate annoying Rhys and his boyfriend Luke for a lift each time, even though they now live in the city, but when I went to check the ‘journey planner’, as usual, they were doing trackwork on that particular line this past weekend ^rolls eyes^ - ergh, just my luck. No way I was getting an Uber or a cab all the way there, that would’ve cost a fortune.
Anyway, I bitched about it in our group-chat that we have on facebook and Rhys piped up with, “We can give you a lift, Matt!”
They are so lovely to me. I just hate being such an inconvenience, since I am the ‘carless friend’, when I know I can usually get there via other means (ie, public transport). In other words, I can take care of my self and get there by my own means, but Rhys and his boyfriend never seem to show that they are annoyed with me or anything. I just sometimes feel like maybe I’m pushing my luck.
Anyway, so I finished work and got ready and they came over and picked me up from my house and we drove out there. Rhys used to live out that way, but his boyfriend was driving. I think it’s his car. It’s about a half-hour drive or so, as Steve is far out on the northside. It normally takes me about 50 minutes or so on the train.
We chatted a lot on the way, as we do. I told them a bit about what Tropical Fruits was like and that I “topped a top”. They thought that was funny.
I seem to be gradually letting more of my personal life on here out into the real world. Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing. I guess I’m pretty boring otherwise.
They were telling me that they are planning a trip to New Zealand, which sounds pretty cool.
We get to Steve’s, and Moe is already there. I gave him a big hug. We played Risk (Game Of Thrones version) and then we also played Mario Cart 8 on Steve’s Wii U. I didn’t play at first, but then I gave it a go. I even won one of the rounds, coming first out of everyone, so that was enough for me for the night woohoo. The food Steve had prepared was delicious, just like it was last time. He’s such a good cook. It was the third time the other boys had seen Steve this year, as they also saw him for his birthday, but I had to miss that day, as I had to work. Rhys and Luke told me that it was a very long but fun day.
I was still a bit annoyed that Moe planned Steve’s birthday around the times to suit him, but I didn’t let on about it. I just kind of let it go and just tried to have fun with the boys. I was starting to feel a little bit left out because of it, like maybe I was the fifth wheel out of the 5 of us who hang out, but last night I felt included again, and I’m thankful to Rhys and Luke for not only driving me there, but also dropping me back home. I’m not THAT far out of their way, but I do wonder if it annoys them. I thought about maybe just giving them some cash for fuel in future as a gesture of goodwill. I’d totally be happy to do that.
There was a bit of an incident last night at Steve’s though. Moe got up from his chair at the dining table and slipped on the board game box, knocking one of Steve’s surround-sound speakers from it’s stand onto the ground. It was up quite high and it definitely got damaged. So as soon as that happened, Moe felt absolutely horrible and his mood changed noticeably. It was a complete accident and he said he’d pay Steve back for whatever the damage cost was, because apparently it was quite expensive.
As Rhys, Luke and I were headed back into the city, we chatted about it a bit, and even Rhys said it seemed a bit strange that such an expensive speaker wasn’t like bolted into the stand or anything. Anyway, it’ll all be good. I just felt so bad for Moe feeling so bad.
I asked what they were doing for their Sunday off, and Rhys said that they were “Having Luke ______ over. Not sure if you know him?”
I had to laugh! “Well, I did date him for a year and a half, so I think I know him.”
Hilarious. It was such a long time ago that it was way before Rhys even knew him, and that too now was a long time ago. It’s amazing getting older sometimes and looking back on how things once were. Especially even more so as I go through more and more of my old diary entries.
I didn’t get home until 2am. The boys felt bad at keeping me out so late, as I was the only one who had to work later that day, as I started at 9:30am. It was all good though, I made it in on time. Yesterday I didn’t, however. I believe it’s the first time in about 3 years that I have been late for work. I just remember waking up a few times to my alarm going off, and I must have turned off my alarm one too many times or something, because next thing I know, I wake uo and look at my digital clock on my stand and it reads “6:42am”
FUCK. I was meant to start at 6:30am.
So cue me TEARING out of bed, frantically ironing my shirt, skipping breakfast, throwing some product through my hair, stomping into my shoes and running out the door.
I got to work by 7am, and I just stayed back another half-hour and signed an adjustment sheet, so it appears like a totally normal shift. My manager will have to sign the adjustment sheet also, but might not even question me on it. If he does, I’ll just say I had shit to do early that morning or something. I’m quite proud however that I hadn’t been late in such a long time though!
I’m always tired on Fridays, and I did work out extra hard at the gym that afternoon, so that’s probably why my body felt like it needed more of a rest. That’s all I can put it down to really.
Lukas moved out on Friday also, so I didn’t get to say goodbye to him properly. He’s gone back to Mackay to look after his mum, apparently. Andrew and I aren’t too sure how true the story is, as Lukas can be quite eratic. He only moved in here in November, so he’d be the shortest-term housemate that I’d lived with. He was definitely fun though! He was a bit of player though, like he always had guys over and never wanted anything serious, although he was quite into Daniel, who was the guy I met when the washing machine was fucking up. I also saw Daniel again at Tropical Fruits with his new boyfriend, who is the guy Lukas was always competing for the same guys with. Gay scene drama 101, I tell ya what!
I never went out clubbing with him, but he went out like 4 times a week. So Andrew (our landlord) thinks that he’s just spent all his money on booze and drugs and can’t pay the rent anymore.
Most of his stuff is still here though, just packed away in storage, in case he wants to move back in further down the track, so who knows what will happen with this space.
Nick’s still being a bit weird toward me. He seems to have perked up a bit since Lukas has moved out, and he always has long conversations with Andrew, but never with me.
I was in the lounge when they were talking a few nights ago, and we were surprised because Nick actually had someone over, which he never usually does. Andrew got it out of Nick that he is actually SEEING this guy. Holy crap! Nick has a boyfriend? I actually thought it was really cute, but of course I am thinking like, “Well obviously we aren’t gonna hook up again if he’s seeing someone!”
Andrew’s done well to keep it a secret that he knows we have. I’m honestly surprised.
Nick and my conversations are basically acknowledgements when we see each other, which shouldn’t surprise me, but it still gets me down a little. Andrew just knows how to have a conversation with anyone and I simply don’t have that skill.
The last decent conversation I had with Nick was after we hooked up that second time back in September lol.
I suppose he doesn’t want his boyfriend knowing that he’s slept with his housemate in the past.
I can’t wait to get paid next week. It’s on a non-rent week and it’ll be the public holiday pay plus my Sunday pay. I know I’ll get taxed through the arse for it though, but oh well. I just have to keep a fair chunk of it for the electricity bill, which will be huge because they stuffed up the reading last time, so it’ll be about double.
I took a photo at the gym that I quite liked today, but I couldn’t decide on a good filter for it. I ended up just editing one of them into the one I used. I was going to get my haircut this week but then my friend told me that he think my hair looks cute, so now I’m torn. It’s too damn hot with it this long.
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