And Then It's 2019... in The Past

  • March 4, 2019, 4:13 a.m.
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So much has changed and so much has stayed the same. Still living with Mom and Court. :) Only now I have my fiance (yes, fiance) living with us too. :) Eru (not his real name XD, he’s really private about his name online and stuffs) and I met at the end of 2017 (Nate and I had broken up at the beginning of 2017, right around the time I lost my job) in a discord for a YouTube personality that we both enjoy watching.

How to describe Eru? If I was to describe him physically… He’s tall, about 6‘3 or so, and stocky. Not fat, but big, and extremely strong too. Long brown hair to the small of his back, and some of the prettiest, darkest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. He has a young looking face, which he tries to age by growing a wispy beard that he lovingly calls his “scrotee.” He’s lovely but as much as I love watching him and looking at him, it’s his attitude and his personality that has me totally head over heels with him. He’s snarky, sarcastic, antagonistic and a smart ass. But he also listens when I need him to (and most of the time he’ll attempt not to quip at my problems) and helps me understand what has me upset / thoughtful and offers help on how to fix it. He has an amazing grasp of psychology (studying it for ages and ages as a hobby) and also has a great grasp on how people work and how they think. The applied part of psychology, I guess. We just… fit.

So yeah, we met online through Discord and after two weeks of talking back and forth, we found out that we lived only a few hours away from one another. So, he asked me to the movies on Christmas Eve and we went to The Last Jedi. :) It was a wonderful date from start to finish, and before the end of it, we decided we wanted to try out the whole “Relationship” thing. 4 Months Later (months of me driving up to see him every week) he met Court and Mom, three months after that, he moved in with us and a few months after that, the four of us moved into a new place with more room.

We’ve been living together for about 8 or so months now, if that long, and we’re still pretty happy. He and Court get along great, the two of them are birds of a feather, but with Eru being less autistic than Court – he’s able to be the bridge between the two of us… When I get frustrated cuz I don’t understand Court or why he’s upset, Eru is able to explain it to me and usually it makes things good again. I do the same for him and Mom, mainly because she’s not one who takes change well and is having a hard time at times adapting to the fact that there’s someone new to the house. She’s accepting him though, which is good considering we’re getting married in September. We’ve invited all of our Discord group, and quite a few are coming (for some reason they like me there XD) so it’s going to end up being a huge meetup / party. I’m excited. Mom calls it the “Shitshow of the Century” and is looking forward to it too.

In non-love life news… Still out of work. Been over two years now, but honestly, I like being a housewife… I take care of the guinea pigs and the cooking and the cleaning and the like (I’ve been slacking, I gotta work on getting back into the habit of that). I also have been working on making jewelry and the like. I started making Dragon Eggs, and Eru helps by doing boxes for them for display. :) I’ll post pictures later. Eru also does leather work, along with staining and decorating boxes for the eggs. So he and I are going to start eventing together, along with my step sis, Becky. (That’s a whoooole nother post I’ll have to make, talkin about the Dad / Debbie / Becky thing). I gotta get a new website up and running for that – Etsy took down my store because of some bullshit, and I’m still mad at them. I’m thinking Squarespace and getting traction through social media… just gotta get the site up and running, y’know?

Food’s here, going to eat and then start working on tonight’s project… a teddy bear shirt. :) Like I said, I’m back and pics are to follow!

Last updated February 03, 2022

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