Pens! And Ink! in The Past

  • Jan. 19, 2017, 8:40 a.m.
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  • Public

Well, it’s closer to “Pen! And Ink!”

I got my pen in Tuesday, as well as all my ink samples, and my wax seal. I’m really excited to be starting on InCoWriMo / Letter-Mo. In fact, I’ve actually already started, but don’t tell anyone, shhhh.. I’ve spent the last two days working on my penmanship. Which Sucks. Totally Sucks. I’m working on it though. I’m even going and working on my cursive.

Other than that, there’s not much going on in my life… just kind of going through the motions. Work’s busy but meh. I’m thinking about taking Friday off, just to hide in my room or in the garage or something. I have to get all my work done first though - I have AP filing, W2s, but not sure how much more stuff I have to do… maybe I might be able to get the day off. I’m just not feeling it. I’ll just see how things go today.

Tonight I’m going to go to Maili’s work and help her with her Quickbooks for her job. I promised her that I’d go over and help her put in the expenditures and the like.

My life is totally exciting, isn’t it?

btw, the weekend with Nate was good, but I spent way too much. >.<

Last updated March 03, 2019

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