So who here knows me from OD? in Crossing over with SillySillySandee
- Aug. 16, 2013, 8:45 p.m.
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I kept the same name in hopes I find some old friends. So who's with me?
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delete please ⋅ August 17, 2013
not me but I'm from OD
SillySillySandee delete please ⋅ August 17, 2013
HI! It seems like a lot of people from OD are here. I was there a long time.
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ August 17, 2013
I don't know you, but I am from OD, also looking for friends. I kept to a fairly small circle, and I am worried I will lose most of them.
SillySillySandee AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ August 17, 2013
I had a small circle as well. I used to be public but as soon as I my life began to get back to normal I went FO. It's very nice to meet you!
Deleted user ⋅ August 17, 2013
I hope you find your OD buds hun.
SillySillySandee Deleted user ⋅ August 17, 2013
Thanks! But if I don't that's ok too. I had a small group that I conversed with. There's nothing wrong with finding more friends! hello!
Deleted user SillySillySandee ⋅ August 17, 2013
You are correct there Sandee. And you are welcome!
Raven ⋅ August 17, 2013
I think I remember seeing you around OD? Maybe? If I'm mistaken, my apologies. Hello, anyway!
SillySillySandee Raven ⋅ August 17, 2013
A person can never have enough friends! hello!
Raven SillySillySandee ⋅ August 17, 2013
Roseoftexas ⋅ August 17, 2013
I bookmarked you:) Love ya!
SillySillySandee Roseoftexas ⋅ August 17, 2013
I booked marked you too!!! Love ya!!!
.Java.Junkie. ⋅ August 17, 2013
ROLL CALL!!! Raises hand Me Me Me Notice the slight name change?! ;)
SillySillySandee .Java.Junkie. ⋅ August 17, 2013
Hey woman!!! Youre no longer the queen huh? LOL!