More stuff in Talk Story

  • Jan. 24, 2017, 11:23 a.m.
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Well my sojourn into being unwell… was a case of acute bronchitis… which explains why it lasted so long…

I have been fine for the past several days… so I guess it’s finally over…

Like most of the country… winter has arrived here on the southern coast of Oregon… lots and lots of rain… thunder and lightning… strong winds… and yesterday I awoke to a world of white…

Not snow (it was 40f outside) but an inch or so of hail…

The ocean has been as turbulent as I have ever seen it… fifteen foot shore break… the occasional sneaker waves (which killed a father and his young son)… lots of rocks and driftwood washing up onto the shore and roadways…

But our weather is ever changing… after a week of rain… 50f and sunny today… with sunshine promised for tomorrow as well…

After being “under the weather” for so long… I am anxious to work (play) in the yard… and wash the car… perhaps start walking to the beach again…

I hope all is well with you…

Thanks for drifting by… and for your notes to me…

Aloha oe…

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