I've fallen in the shower and can't get up in In the Kingdom of Suzu

  • Dec. 23, 2016, 8:38 a.m.
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I have been seeing that commercial a lot lately and didn’t it just about happen to me today! I think I could have gotten up but Jeff was there so he got me up. I have a system to get into the shower. I have a stool in the tub so I sit on the toilet and then am able to maneuver over to the stool. I think I had the stool turned the wrong way because it went right out from under me. It shook me up a bit because I have been showering when i am alone. The first couple of days I waited til Jeff got home but I was doing so well, I started doing it when I was alone. I didn’t mess up the surgery knee but the other knee hurts a bit more than usual so I better be extra careful with it today.

Other than that, things have been going well, I am a bit bored tho. I can’t put weight on the surgery knee and the other knee has bone on bone so I don’t want to stress it out too much. I live in a 2 story house with only a bathroom upstairs so I usually go down once a day, do up whatever left over dishes from the night before, get lunch and then go back upstairs. I took an office chair with wheels to wheel around downstairs but it is a bit hard on the carpet. I keep the walker upstairs—I could get it down the steps but then I had problems getting it back up, hence my brilliant idea about a chair with wheels! Pretty amazing what one can come up with when having to make adjustments/modifications to getting around.

Jeff is home until Tuesday so I think I will really be a lady of leisure today!

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