Out with Marco (on a Sunday) in Second 1st

  • Jan. 9, 2017, 5:15 p.m.
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Very eventful night, have a bit of a headache, will have to take this slow so my guess is that even though I am starting this at 4:32pm I’m not going to finish will way later.

Didn’t leave here till 15 after 8 but still made it in time to only miss the first song of the 9pm show. Had a couple beers and Marco spotted him a cutie. Had 2 Angry Orchards before we decided that an hour was too long to wait for the next show so we braved the cold and went to a bar just a block away. They had karaoke so I sang. There was an older guy there that kept staring Marco down. We left with plenty of time to walk the block back but as we were leaving the older guy stopped Marco. Marco went into complete defense mode, the guy was trying to get his number, a way to text him, something, anything. I was dragging Marco like I was wasted and pulling him to the first bar so we could see the show. I heard him tell the guy he was from Massachusetts visiting me. He thanked me for being so persistent about having to go because even though at first the guy followed for a moment, he gave up quickly enough and we were on our way. Marco’s avoidance sucked because I kinda liked that bar a lot. I’d totally make it our Sunday spot, except we may have a regular to avoid already :(.

Show was great, guys that do being a girl better than most girls do. Guys who like guys who like to dress up as girls giving them money. Marco found the Cutie again and was upset that he couldn’t catch his eye. So, I made him move. We were far to far away to catch said guys eye. Loud talking, a few glances, nothing from said guy.

Photo bomb guy caressed Marco’s ass.

After the 11 show Photo bomb guy came to talk to Marco. he didn’t talk though he just started rubbing Marco’s neck and head. Not talking at all. I thought it very odd so I said “I’m not sure if I’m asking something strange here but why do you feel the need to touch on him(Marco) like that? You don’t know him, he doesn’t know you. You haven’t even exchanged names.” He responded with “I’m gorgeous.” I said “Well, you are decent looking, wouldn’t say gorgeous but that doesn’t give you the right to just rub up on strangers, what’s your name?” “I am gorgeous.” “Well, Gorgeous, could you go be gorgeous somewhere else and stop invading my friends personal space” “You are fat and ugly.” He stormed off like a child and I didn’t care. Marco immediately said “I love you Jennifer” lol. There were a number of concerns later from Marco about how the guy had effected my feelings. He hadn’t really because he only said those things because he felt insulted. It was in defense even though he could have stayed had he been willing to actually talk and get to know Marco. There were ways to play that but he chose to be stuck up, we should be honored by his presence......

Went out to the dance floor and found Cutie standing with the 2 girls he was with, no one dancing. Marco and I danced for a few moments then we hung at the bar. Marco went on about how he wanted to talk to the guy. He wondered how old he was and if he was gay and what not. So I just walked off … 4 Angry Orchards and 2 Smirnoff Ice in BTW.... went over to the little group and said “Hi, my friend thinks you are cute and he’s apparently really shy so I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind answering a couple questions.” “Yeah, sure shoot.” “What’s your name?” “Sky” “How old are you Sky?” “20” “Are you gay?” “Nope.” “Well, no shame in being out with a couple friends having a good time at the gay club, I’m straight myself. I’ll pass on the info, thanks for your time” and I walked away. When I got back this one girl kinda grabbed me and drug me out the the dance floor before I got to Marco. I had to say “Your cute hun but I’m straight and my friend needs me just now” She smiled thumbed up and we head back to the area Marco was in (and her girlfriend). Marco was hurt because he said no way that “Sky” was straight. Marco felt that he said that just to throw him off. So what if he did. Marco doesn’t take rejection well apparently. I told him that there could be many other reasons he didn’t say he was gay. First being he’s there with 2 girls who never sat, stood next to each other the whole time. He might actually be straight. He might have a loving boyfriend at home and doesn’t want to risk that relationship.... just the 2 off the top of my head. Well, though we hadn’t planned to still be there we hit the last show at 1 and during the show the hosts called out “a co-worker” of one of the “girls” at their day job. Guess who? Sky. Apparently they were kinda making a big deal of it cause it was his first club trip EVER. That explained a little to me… also shy to meet someone. They asked the same questions I did and he answered the first 2 the same but faltered when Answering the last one. “I like b.. I like girls” after glancing down at us. I apologized to Marco for putting in his head that they guy wasn’t gay. That his gaydar was working just fine. I told him “Sky” must be there in support of his girlfriend on stage. That would explain everything. I had had one more drink totaling 7 during the last show.

We went to Cafe Coco for a bite. Ordered some food. Ate. Talked about people. Went home. When we got to my house i couldn’t find my house key. Apparently I had forgotten to grab one. So Marco drove me to Rocky’s work and I hung out there for 3 hours till he got off. Really I tried to sleep in the SUV. Turning it on for heat, turning it off cause I’m too hot. Rocky came out at 5 and told me there was an exhaust leak into the cab, that I needed to have the window open when I had it on. So then there was that. I made it without dieing.

Either the drinking or the exhaust.... I slept from 7:15am to 2:00pm.

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