How things do change in Adventures in paradise
- Jan. 10, 2017, 10:04 p.m.
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I’ve been copying over more of my old OD entries into a private book here, so that they don’t show up in people’s bookmarks. I figure once I am done, I might make the book either public or memeber’s only, since the OD entries are SO OLD now.
It’s fascinating reading back over them though. 22-year old me is in the entries I’m up to now, so I’m only up to July 2006 with still a gazillion entries to copy over, and I can’t be bothered doing it most of the time, but this weekend I decided I’d copy over a few more. I can’t believe how crazy I was back then compared to how utterly boring I seem to be now LOL. I was out clubbing every weekend, I had a boyfriend, I was still making out and dirty dancing with other guys (but I wasn’t sleeping with anyone else) and my mind seemed to be all over the place.
I guess the main difference I can see in myself a decade on is that I’m so much more mature. At least, I think so, ha! The idea of going out and doing that now at that same club (The Beat, which still exists btw) really doesn’t appeal to me at ALL. The only places I would behave like that now would probably be at the big events like Mardi Gras or Big Gay Day or maybe Tropical Fruits if I ever go to the main party one year.
I don’t know if I want to go to the Mardi Gras Party this year because I am catching my flight home the following morning at 11am, and that party goes until 8am haha. I guess I could and just not sleep, but after reading all those old entries, I tell myself that I’m not as young as I used to be. And then I have this internal conflict where I’m like, “Well, when I’m 43, or 53, I’m definitely not gonna feel like doing it!” Just because I was happy and free at 22 and I’m 33 now, doesn’t necessarily mean that I have to automatically be boring as batshit, does it?
But I haven’t had a boyfriend in the loooooooooooooongest time. It’s seriously been years and years. So reading back to entries 11 years ago where I did have one are really fascinating. I was so torn between being a good boyfriend to him and trying to deal with the feelings of not just my own mind, but his as well, and wondering where that line was meant to be drawn as to what I could and couldn’t get away with, that I was a bit all over the place. I did so many sweet things for that boy back in the day. Even I surprised myself at how romantic I was LOL.
But past-me went into SO much detail in my entries. I have a terrible memory and reading back over things made me realize how much I’d forgotten. And I still have about 5 more years of entries to eventually get through. Man, starting a diary was the best thing I ever did.
It’s been a very long time since my last boyfriend that I have to scratch my head wondering who it actually was. It would’ve been at least 7/8 years ago, when I first moved in here. That was the last time any guy asked me out. 8 years ago. There must be something about me that is intimidating haha. Or there’s just nothing appealing about 30-something year old me.
22-year-old-me was a barrel of fun!
Anyway, Scott invited me over to his place last night for swims in his pool. I actually had plans to go to the gym and do a good session, but decided that I would postpone that to go over to Scott’s. Initially Vish and James said they weren’t coming, but then they said they were, so they turned up a little while later after Scott and I had been chatting and swimming for a while. Scott gave me his Netflix login details, so that was really nice of him, so I’m gonna see if that works here. Although I have a feeling that our internet here is probably too shitty to be able to stream it properly. Guess I’ll find out.
I was telling Scott a bit about Tropical Fruits when he had to go and get Vish and James, so that was basically the end of that conversation because once Vish arrives, he never shuts up and the conversation is all about him. I did manage to tell him privately that I’d topped another top though haha.
James was nice and drove me home. I was going to try and go to gym afterwards, but I knew that I’d be too tired, and I was, so now I’m going to go today. I’m just trying to pick a time where it won’t be as busy, although I think that gym always is anytime between 4pm and 9pm. I have another early start tomorrow instead of my late one because my manager is off again on a toil day. It works out a bit better because I have a bit of time to do shit on a Thursday rather than rush home, eat something, shower and sleep in time to be up early for my early shift on a Friday.
Steve’s 40th birthday is this Sunday, except Moe’s organised it to be at 11am, which I can’t do because I’m at work. He said I should call in sick, but I said, “That is not happening” because I already lost money due to the past two public holidays that fell on a Sunday (Christmas and New Years). I only get the normal rate for sick days and public holidays that I won’t work, so I’d rather work Sundays to get the extra, which is like $70 or something. All adds up. So yeah, that blows that I can’t make it to that, but hey, that’s life. If they’d just have it at nighttime, I’d be able to go!
Rhys sent me a text offering me a lift as he finishes at 5pm, but then he realised that it was on Sunday and not Saturday like he thought. Still, really kind of him to offer me the lift. I thanked him anyway. He’s such a beautiful boy. I think his boyfriend has clinged on that I hug him a little too long each time I see him haha.
I’m also going to the Atomic Kitten, B*Witched, S Club 3 (used to be 7), East17 and Liberty X concert, since I had an email come through offering half-price tickets. Okay, sold! I didn’t go to Vengaboys/Amber/Sonique/Tina Cousins so I figured I’d go to this one. I was quite envious of everyone’s Snapchats from the other one, plus I’ve never been to the Eaton Hills venue before. Should be a bit of fun next month. This makes three concerts so far that I’ll be going to this year - that one, Adele (the day after Mardi Gras) and Bieber (the week after in March). Don’t pay me out about seeing Bieber live, I saw him last time and he was incredible.
I’ve booked in for a sexual health checkup at the new doctors near my work. I’m booked in at 1:40pm after I finish work at 1:30pm. I’ll be a new patient so I’ll probably have to fill out a bazillion forms, and it’ll cost me a fortune but hey at least I’ll have it done. RAPID tests aren’t enough to make sure I’m all clear, so I need to full-clean please lol.
Looks like I’m getting a female doctor. Could be interesting. At least there’s probably less chance of her being a homophobe, as I’ve sure come across a few of those over the years.
Reece told me to keep the 25th of February free for his birthday. I think he lives with Bonnie now? Apparently his ex-bf Leo is “no longer in his life.”
I had a feeling that might be the case, since now when I look at Leo’s Snapchat, he is now dating (and in love with, it seems) a girl. Although he always was bisexual, so it shouldn’t really be a surprise. I’m still not exactly sure why or how it ended with he and Reece, although it’s a shame. It was through Leo that I met (and hooked up with) that stunning hottie James, and also how I met Luke (that beautiful Sydney guy that I can’t keep my eyes off) in person, both at his BBQ’s he used to host when he and Reece lived together, and that was only last year.
So it absolutely sucks that because of their break-up, BBQ catch-ups like that won’t be happening anymore :(
It amazes me how quickly things can change. Both in that sense, and how much they have changed since my 2006 diary entries.
Last updated January 10, 2017
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