Untitled For Now in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
- Dec. 31, 2016, 2:33 a.m.
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Perhaps because Wife has been binge watching Sliders but something odd struck me this morning that I wish to share.
I woke up to my alarm and shuffled into the bathroom. I ran a comb through my hair, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my pill bottle. I flicked the lid off with my thumb, upended the bottle, and swallowed the capsule that came out. Then I realized… I was able to flick the lid off with my thumb. There was no push down, twist, pull up or any of that old Pill Bottle Security to which I had grown accustomed while living in every other area ever. Believing that, perhaps, I had simply not secured the lid properly earlier; I secured the lid and attempted to flick the lid off with my thumb. It worked. The bottle had no child safety elements. Instantly my thought was It is funny how small differences can go unnoticed; but as soon as you see them, they become glaring. Because while this place is certainly an older population… it is not devoid of children. There is a 6-12 Grade School here. There is a K-5 school here. Grandchildren both visit and are raised by their grandparents around here. It is not a world completely devoid of children. But here, as opposed to other places I’ve been… Child Safety must be requested. It is not assumed that the highest security should be standard and the purchaser should request modifications.... here it is assumed that the lowest security should be standard and the purchaser should request modifications. Very interesting difference.
Then, as again the office is mostly empty, I take a bit of a drive and listen to the radio. The only channel that comes in with clarity that isn’t Country or Christian is NPR. I find it ironic. If I don’t want to listen to neo-western “God is love” or semi-pop “She cheated and took the dog”… I have to listen to what some would consider is the exact opposite of Christian and Western: Liberal Talk Radio. Of course, NPR (for having an admittedly progressive bias) does do a semi-standard job of discussing multiple sides of an issue. Especially when compared to their neo-con talk radio rivals. This morning, I listen to two reports that both engage my brain.
Report 1: Interviews with folks at a Club in Sunderland about the Brexit vote. Some significant reflections of speaking with folks at KG in Tiny Town about the Trump vote. Fear of Muslims led to a Single Issue Election based on fear, xenophobia, and racism. This led me to ponder (uninformed and mostly postulating) the relationship between fear, culture, Muslim radicalization, and current issues. Racism and Fear exist in spades everywhere. The desire to be surrounded by “your own kind” is strong in Humans. What changes is how we define “our own kind.” It is why “enclaves” spring up. Des Moines and Omaha both have pockets in town where the billboards aren’t in English. Aren’t even in Spanish. Because people tend to gather together. Then look to Castro Street or the very idea of a “Gay District”. People tend to gather together. But that gathering is about community and comfort and protection. But add fear to the outsiders… The Gay Community is recruiting (threatening your lifestyle and existence) thus it must be stopped. Non-English Speakers are stealing jobs and government funds without paying taxes and must be deported (whether they were born in the country or not). And then look at Muslims. A religion against whom the Christians had numerous historical wars. A religion that, in some countries/cultures, demands hate against Jews. Now… I’m educated in Religion and will strongly argue against anyone who equates the words Muslim with Terrorism. Like all things, some X are Y… but not all people who are Y are X and not all X are Y. Some Muslims are terrorists… but not all terrorists are Muslim and not all Muslims are terrorists. But complicated thoughts don’t translate well in public discourse. So Brexit or Trump get a lot of support via “Look at all the violence Muslims are causing. Doesn’t it terrify you that Muslims gather together?! We must put a stop to these terrorists by treating Muslims as default terrorists!” An atrocious statement; but one that is easy to sell. And one that terrorists RELY on. Politicians show people being killed by radical Muslims and say, “See, they are out to get you!” and it wins xenophobic votes. Terrorists show people being killed by retaliatory government action and say, “See, they are out to kill us all!” and it wins terrorist groups more members. Ultimately… Brexit and Trump (I believe) will simply continue the devastating cycle. Muslims tried to live in Britain and the United States. Terrorists have attacked many countries in the world. The government whipped up hatred and political action against Muslims on behalf of National Security and National Identity. Muslims trying to live in Britain and the United States feel an increased level of fear. Terrorists will continue to attack many countries in the world. The cycle rages on.
Report 2: A group of comedians known for doing (sometimes) offensive skits were required to attend Sensitivity Training before being allowed to perform recently. THIS is the other side of the Trump Supporters that I encounter and… as frustrating as it is… I can’t entirely blame them for this. I have come a long way in my own personal journey to be more tolerant and accepting and do believe ALL Trump supporters with whom I have spoken need to begin their own journey of tolerance. Hell, I have not met a single Trump Supporter that hasn’t/doesn’t say things about Pro-Sexual Assault or Anti-LGBTQ or Pro-Christian Only. So yes… Trump supporters do need to understand sympathy, sensitivity, and the fact that… if the punchline of your joke is simply The N Word… when people call you a shit, they aren’t “censoring” you; they are simply trying to illustrate that your joke’s “humor” was predicated less on an idea and more on isn’t it funny to hate people who are different? THAT BEING SAID, THOUGH… I do have Left Wing Friends who I would say directly influenced some people to vote for Trump based on “over sensitivity.” FOR EXAMPLE: I have a friend who, every Halloween, posts a SEVERAL page list of costumes that are culturally insensitive and inappropriate. Now, the Native American Headdress… yeah, I can get behind. But this last year? The list was longer than ever! It had things like “Soldiers,” “Police Officers,” “Inmates,” and (I kid you not) “Vikings.” Because those are offensive costumes. Because “soldier” may seem threatening. Because “police officer” is a costume that will breed race fear. Because “inmate” is insensitive. Because “Viking” is a cultural identity and only monsters treat a cultural identity as a Halloween Costume. FOR EXAMPLE: I have several friends who jumped on the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is anti-feminist bandwagon. Now… why would this be such a bandwagon for a film that doesn’t even come out until May of 2017? Because in the most recent trailer, the female characters didn’t get as many speaking lines as the male characters. So obviously, that is an anti-woman political statement.
I’m not kidding when I say I am friends with these people who are like this 24/7 and about some serious things and some trivial as fuck things. And I am friends with them because it is GOOD to be connected when it is SERIOUS. But, from speaking and living with the Trump supporters… when it is “trivial as fuck” it directly led to increased support for Trump. Fear is a powerful motivator. Anger is another. People who were afraid of Muslims voted for Trump. People who were angry that “Millennials say Becky and Brian should be paid the same, but Becky started yesterday and Brian started last year!”
I suppose those two points were more rambling than cohesive and for that I apologize. But as 2016 comes to a close and 2017 gears up… I see specific issues of 2016 that don’t look like they will go away. And I want so badly for 2017 to be a better year for all people.
So… Conservatives… get your heads out of your asses. Terrorists are a problem. They come in all colors and all ideologies. You cannot kill people to the point where Terrorism stops. That doesn’t work. You have to attack the ideology. And you can’t say “The ideology to attack is the Muslim Religion” because it is not that simple. Powerlessness, hopelessness, poverty, lack of education… those are things that feed the ideology of terror… work to fix that.
So… Liberals… get your heads out of your asses. Misogyny, Racism and Xenophobia are a problem. This was proven time and again in the last year. You cannot claim that every potentially offensive or insensitive idea/action are equal. That doesn’t work. For every “Crystal Clarke should be paid the same as Michael Fassbender” you hurt your argument. Be rational. If you want to bring the world to a place where Men, Women, Homosexuals, and all Races are treated equally… you need to adjust your strategy.
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