My first Tropical Fruits/ Naked Gay Beach in Adventures in paradise

  • Jan. 2, 2017, 6:36 p.m.
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Just a warning, this is probably the longest entry I’ve written in years. Read if you dare ha!

I have to backtrack to New Year’s Eve. Holy dooley, I can’t believe it’s only been just over two days. So much stuff has happened. Bare with me (ha!)

Okay, so on Saturday night, I did end up going over to Marc’s place. He was the only person who invited me anywhere, so I apped an Uber and went on over there. I was a bit confused at first as how the hell to get in his front gate and I don’t have his number, so just had to wait until he read his Facebook messages, but it last said he was active 20 minutes ago, so there I was standing awkwardly outside his place with a major road right next to me. Good thing was, I could see some early fireworks going off in the distance at Portside, so I just stood and watched them for a while.

Anyway, Marc came out and opened the gate for me. It was this old wooden thing and I just hadn’t yanked it hard enough. Mind you, it felt like it was going to fall off it’s hinges at any moment.

His apartment on the other hand is the complete opposite. It’s immaculately presented. Totally done by a gay man in touch with his inner interior designer. He told me that everything I saw in his living room/kitchen was from wither Gumtree or Ebay.
Very impressed.

Anyway, to cut a long story short (because, hell, I have a lot to get through), Marc was there with his friend Mary, who was this very friendly Asian girl, but MAN could she handle her alcohol or what!? I was amazed. I thought Asians just went red when they tried to drink alcohol. Not her! She was telling us all about her drink contraption that she’d made up called a “Blue Dragon” and it sounded deadly. They were saying that the toughest of straight men would boast about how they could down a few of them easily, but they’d be on the ground after only half-nips of one of these things. Fuck.

Anyway, Marc put his DVD of Kylie video clips on, which I was absolutely loving. Some of them appeared on Facebook lol I think. All I know is that I did WAY too many shots that night. Like, I am not a heavy drinker at all, and I was wondering how many I’d downed at one point in the night. Ooo I just found a photo I’m tagged in.
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So anyway, after Kylie’s videos were finished, he put Madonna’s on, which I wasn’t that into, other than maybe ‘Rain’, which I LOVE. I went outside at 11:55pm to go and watch the fireworks whilst those two stayed inside. I wanted to actually see them! I heard the countdown happening at different times from the apartments around me, and then the fireworks went off again at Portside and I could just make out some of the city ones. They went on for about 10 minutes and I probably Snapchatted them but I was a fair way away.

Anyway, Mary bailed first, so it was just me and Marc left. It was 2:30am and I was conscious that I had to catch a train at 4:55am, so I said to Marc that I needed to go and get at least one hours sleep. It was a pretty decent night. Marc can really talk the ear off anyone, but it was just way too much booze for me, plus I had a few of the bottles of cidar that I’d brought over, except they weren’t as nice as the ones I had at my sister’s place, so I’m thinking that I must have accidentally bought the apple ones instead of the pear ones. Guess I’ll find out. I left a heap of them in his fridge, as I don’t really want them anyway.

Anyway, I made it home - WALKED it, because I had convinced myself that I would just stay awake and go straight to the train. I Snapchatted a photo of the Breakfast Creek Hotel and Luke must have saw it because he Snapchatted back that he’d only just left there earlier and could have given me a lift, so that was really nice of him, except, you know, he didn’t :P

Anyway, I made it home and wished Happy New Year to a few drunks on the way through. I remember getting home and sitting on my bed on the train website, umming and ahhing over whether to just cancel the ticket and the trip altogether, because I was so fucking tired by that point since I had been awake for 22 hours by that point.
Lucas then arrived home from The Beat, where he’d gone out for New Years, and I heard another voice, so obviously he’d picked up again. I had my door open and he introduced me to the guy. Some really cute guy named Kurt or Carl or something who had a really straight-sounding voice. So impressed (and envious) at the amount of hotties he manages to pull. He asked how my night was and I told him that I was very drunk (which I was but I had walked a lot off I guess) and he just gave me a nudge on the shoulder.
He’s a pretty damn cool housemate so far.

Anyway, I convinced myself not to cancel the trip, and I shoved a few things in my bigger yellow bag and waltzed on down to platform two (where the Sydney Trains depart from). I was only going as far as Casino, but it was still an almost 4 hour train ride. I’d booked a first-class seat, although I probably didn’t need to, but it was only an extra $20 and I think I did manage to nod off for a few minutes here and there. I’d brought my travel pillow with me for that purpose.

As the train was about to leave. Remember it was now 25 hours of me having no sleep.
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Anyway, the scenery on the train ride down there was absolutely beautiful! I found myself in awe of how beautiful and green the countryside was along that train route, especially into northern New South Wales. I realized how hungry I was and made my way down to the buffet cart at the start of the train, where I just bought a ham and cheese croissant and an OJ to keep me going.
Next thing I knew, the train pulls into Kyogle (the first stop) and then before I know it, we’re in Casino, where I needed to transfer to the bus to get the Lismore.
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Cut to me sitting on a bench waiting for the bus driver. I now look like a zombie LOL (29 hours awake)
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Bus doesn’t take long to get to Lismore. It’s pretty much a ghost town when I get there, as it’s January 1st and therefore a public holiday, in a town that I assume is pretty much dead most of the time anyway (could be wrong!). I needed to use a bathroom badly. All those shots from last night were coming back to bite me in the arse, literally. It wasn’t pretty :P
I had to take a photo of the beautiful artwork on the back of the stall door.
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As I was walking around, trying to find where the pool was, I noticed these stensil’s were murals on concrete walls over various parts of the town. I thought to myself, “Wow, that’s pretty liberal”. Maybe it’s just very different to the country town I grew up in.
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As I was walking.
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I found a Woolies that was open when I arrived in the town centre so I went in there to grab some decent food, since all I’d had was that little bit on the train. So that was good. I also found where the pool was, and after about a half hour or so, I went back there and paid the fee to get in and I was in! Woohoo, I’d made it!!

I was suppose to meet Andrew there, but I have no idea what the heck he was doing and I ended up at the pool party all alone, not knowing anybody. It was a really good atmosphere though and I spent most of the time swimming among all the strangers. It was a lovely set-up with the DJ playing loud music and a huge rainbow flag at each end of the pool. If you saw my Snapchats during the day, you would have more of an idea, but of course I took snaps for here as well, they just aren’t as instant :)

Balance beam and obstacle course, which a lot of guys were having a ball on.
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It was on the obstacle course that I realized Brett and his boyfriend Daniel were at the pool party, which I had a feeling they would be. It was hard to see where they were because the place was so packed during the day, but luckily Brett had a blue cap on and I would see where he was every so often. He and Daniel (who is his extremely good-looking twinky English boyfriend that my housemate used to fuck and introduced me to a few weeks ago) were really playing it up and floating on inflatable pool toys throughout the day. At one point, I swear they were even jerking each other off, as they are complete exhibitionists like that, so I hear. Daniel was definitely playing with himself at one point and getting himself hard in his speedos. I was like “My God that’s hot” haha.

I was dying from the heat though! MAN it was a hot day.
Another ugly selfie (probably around 32 hours awake here) but the pool water had woken me up a little but I was still delirious.
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I did go up to Brett and Daniel when I was in the pool though. It was quite amusing when they saw me doing so though because they started making out heavily with each other, you know, as if to say ‘This is my man, bitch’. I almost burst out laughing because I thought it was so childish in the gay scene and I’ve been around way too long for trivial shit like that, so I went up to them in the middle of their making out and said “Hi”. LOL. Daniel didn’t say anything to me. Whether he just didn’t remember me from when he was over IN MY HOUSE when Lucas introduced him to me (I was in a rush with organizing to get the washing machine fixed at the time), or whether he’s just an ignorant bitch, I’m not too sure, but Brett was nice and talked to me. We just made a bit of small talk and he asked if I was going to the recovery party and I asked how the main party was (the one I’d missed New Years Eve) and he said, “It was crazy”. I can just imagine. Anyway, that was basically our whole interaction and I swam off because I felt a little bit awkward.

I was sitting back down on the bench where I’d found a spot early on and this lesbian standing behind me goes, “You need to fire whoever did your sunscreen on your back,” and I immediately felt self conscious. Great! I’d put sunscreen on and even bought more sunscreen specifically for this event, and I’d still managed to fuck it up. I knew that I must have had huge red marks on my back that I’d missed, because, you know, I was there alone and obviously had to apply the lotion to my own back, which is normally fine because I’m very flexible in my left arm and can reach around and get all of my back done, except this time, obviously I hadn’t gotten it all. She then went on to tell me how bad it was and that I had huge red patches on my back. Fuck. So that didn’t put me in the best of moods, knowing every gay there would clearly notice it. And it was “FEELS LIKE 44 DEGREES” so there was no way in fuck that I was putting a shirt on by that point. I was already sweating like a nun squatting in a cucumber field on the Sabbath.
I wasn’t like Daniel, whom I saw earlier on had his arse hanging out whilst every queen near him happily applied sunscreen to his back and arse simply because they wanted a feel of it. Damn being hot and getting everything he wants.

I really am not sure how Brett does it, although Brett’s good looking himself. Andrew just thinks it’s because ‘like attracts like’ and he probably has a good point, but all of Brett’s boyfriends over the years have been hot as fuck. I managed to hook up with only one of them (Kurt), and I still perve on him to this day. Fucking stunner. Daniel is also the guy that my new housemate Lucas hooked up with, I guess whilst Daniel and Brett were on a break, but have since gotten back together, for whatever reason. Daniel obviously has his issues that Lucas doesn’t like, but so do Lucas and Brett. Like Brett wants to sleep with everyone else, even though he’d dating probably the hottest twink in Brisbane. Lucas says he manipulates his twinks into letting him do it. In one way I think, “Yeah he’s just wanting his cake and eating it too” and in another I’m like, “You selfish little bitch” lol. That’s what I mean when I say ‘I don’t know how he does it’ and gets away with it too. I know his other ex Jarryd hated it (Lukas hooked up him too, so my new housemate does VERY well with hooking up with hotties it seems and he and Brett seem to sleep with the exact same guys).

Anyway, the party was ending, so I left. I went back to the woolies to get more water and I came back as Andrew had finally texted me telling me he had dramas with getting the car to start and that he’d meet me around 4:30pm (when the pool party finished at 4pm lol)
but I couldn’t see him anywhere, and I noticed a heap of people had fallen asleep on the grass outside the pool, so I decided to take a nap as well lol. I had my travel pillow so I put that on top of my bag. My towel was still really wet, but I only really needed a bit of it to rest my elbow on so it was off the grass. So I think I slept in the lovely shade of the tree for a little bit.
I took a pic of the hottie next to me before doing so lol.
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I awoke to three missed calls on my phone from Andrew, and got in touch with him. The last call was only 6 minutes before I woke up so I didn’t think it was that bad. He said he was on his way with his friend Neil, who had given him a lift since Andrew’s car had broken down.
Next thing I know, Andrew comes running up to me and gives me a hug and tells me the story. I meet his friend Neil who is probably a guy in his late 40’s? He was very lovely guy and offered me a spare bed at the hotel he was staying at.

That was incredibly nice of him, as I was getting worried because absolutely all of the accommodation in Lismore was booked out because of Tropical Fruits. Like, you literally could not get anywhere even weeks out from the event, so it was a God-send that i was allowed to stay at this guy’s hotel room, because by this time, I was a zombie eating another zombie, I was that delirious. Yes, I’d managed a few small catnaps on the train and the grass outside the pool but they can’t have been more than a few minutes at a time. They did keep me going though.

When we got back to the hotel where Neil was staying, they suggested that I get myself an hour’s sleep, which I gladly took up the offer on. It was only a double sofa bed that had been pulled out, but the room was air-conditioned and it was absolutely beautiful being in there after being in that sun and getting my back sunburned to a tomato. I did manage to have a look at it in their bathroom mirror and was mortified at how much I had missed. MAN. It didn’t hurt by that point, but I knew it was going to. Thankfully, because the air-con was on. Andrew had told me he’d gotten cold the previous night, so I just put my shirt on to cover the disgusting sight on my back and I easily managed to pass out for an hour or two.

When I woke up, I was conscious that I had snored, because I am renowned for doing so when I’m extremely tired. Dammit! And yeah, apparently I had, but the way Andrew described it was more like I’d done a ‘whooshing’ sound. Haha, okay then. I knew I was still unwell from all that booze and one of my nostrils was blocked off, so I shouldn’t be too surprised. God-damn body as I get older. I’m not liking it!

Anyway, they were all off to the Tropical Fruits recovery party, and in the end I decided that I would go. I know right! I actually went!
But because I’ve been writing for so long already, I’ll try to keep it short. It’s just that I did so much in such a small amount of time that I’m trying to remember it whilst it’s fresh in my mind.

It was pretty cool. It wasn’t like I’d imagined it would be. I actually didn’t know what to expect, but I should have. It’s exactly as described. A huge gay dance party in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. They even have a darkroom tent where you could go and get off with other guys. It’s that dark in there that you can only make out silhouettes. So Andrew’s tip was to wait outside and as soon as you see a hot guy walk in, follow him in and don’t lose him.
Ohhh, the old-school way of cruising is still amusing to me. And yet it’s so much more authentic and real. None of this app crap.
I went in that tend a couple of times during the night, just to see what was happening. It was the usual, like the saunas in Europe - some guy blowing six different guys at once, one guy getting fucked over a hay bale whilst everyone else watched on.
I thought to myself, “Wow, this is so different to the annual showgrounds I was used to attending when I was a kid” LOL.

There were a lot of other tents with heavy deafening clubbing music playing and a chill-out zone with couches and bean bags, although the music in there wasn’t exactly what I’d call ‘chilled’ music. There was a cafe were I got a really yummy lamb and rosemary pie from.
Andrew got me to grab him two drinks whilst he went back to his car to get more money. Turns out his car started as soon as he demonstrated it for the repairman. That’s Murphy’s Law for ya. And then the stupid barman opens up all four drinks that I’d ordered (2 each because the line was too long) and I had to try to juggle all of them without spilling them. I tried to stop him from opening like two of them but he was like, “I have to.”
So fucking stupid all these rules and regulations. What, you have to open it so I don’t take it from the venue? I was so confused because now I was gonna spill the fucking things.
Thankfully I didn’t and I managed to place them down somewhere level.

Anyway, I did see Brett and Daniel again at the recovery party. Daniel was wearing blue undies with a white belt/sachet thing and Brett was in like a skirt tassle thing. Andrew and I separated for large parts of the night and when we caught back up, he told me that two stunning twinks were dancing on the main dancefloor completely naked. I said to him, “That has to be Brett and Daniel” and when he described Daniel to me, I knew it was him. Such a shame I missed out on seeing THAT though! I would die to see those two naked, and they are such exhibitionists (so I keep hearing, and had seen a bit of at the pool party earlier). I’m guessing maybe they were both on drugs? I dunno. Apparently most gays who go to this event are.
Andrew was completely obsessed by Daniel. I knew he would be. He’s totally his type and more. I said to Andrew, “I told you when Lucas introduced him to me - IN YOUR HOUSE MIND YOU - that I just about died!” (which I did because he was so stunning)
Andrew was like, “You didn’t tell me he was the penultimate twink!”
I was like, “You got to see him naked, you lucky bitch!”. Dammit!

The reason ‘I’ didn’t get to witness that beautiful moment is because I was having one of my own. I was just sitting down near the hook-up tend but away from it a bit against a different tent. It was good just to sit there and I could sort of see who was coming and going. Anyway, this guy comes up to me and sits down next to me and starts chatting me up. First guy other than Andrew and his friend Neil that I’d chatted to all night.
This guy was Italian but lived in L.A. for a few years, but now lives in Sydney. He wasn’t normally the type of guy I’d go for, and because he was Italian, I’d automatically assumed that he was a top (all Italians that I’ve met have been, although I will admit that I haven’t met that many). So I didn’t really see this going anywhere. Plus he had a bit of a beard and mustache (typical Italian look) which felt really weird when making out with him, but I went with it anyway, as he was already feeling up my thigh.
Anyway, he was really friendly and confident and asked me if I’d mind if I wanted to go to the tent with him. Cue slutty-me getting up and walking toward the hook-up tent, as I thought that’s what he meant. He then said, “No I mean my tent”.
Ohhhh he was a camper! (because camping is a huuuuge thing there over the three-days or whatever). So I go back to this guys tend, which is right in the middle of this huge tent city. It was cool to see some of the set-ups a lot of people had. Some had camper vans and caravans and huge tents and combi vans and wiked campervans etc. This guys tend was TINY. Like, really tiny, and he had the flimsiest mattress every, like 2mm thick is that and it was only a single. This was gonna be interesting, but hey, it was my first Tropical Fruits and I thought, “Well why not?” I was still telling myself that this wasn’t gonna work because we’re both tops.

Anyway, it was that fucking hot in that tent that I almost passed out. The night temperature was still around 28 degrees or something and couple that was us getting hot and heavy in the tend, I was wiping sweat from my brow like a motherfucker. What ended up happening was that he saw the size of my dick when it was completely erect, and he turned into a complete cum-whore. I am not even joking. He wanted it in every hole he had on his body. I was sure that I had just turned a fellow top. He was even wearing a cock-ring when he took off his clothes. That means a top, right? Or was he just trying to improve his asset?
I fucked the hell out of his mouth and his arse and he was pleading for me to cum inside him, but it was just too hot. I even had my face and chest outside of his tent breathing in the cool outside air, whilst the lower half of me was still inside the tend fucking the living shit out of him. It was pretty damn wild, I have to admit, even with someone I normally wouldn’t get with in an everyday situation.
The heat in there was just so uncomfortable that it was unbearable.
There was a guy sleeping in the tent right next to us. I could see the lower half of his face, as he had obviously opened his tent flaps to let fresh air in also. I have no idea how he didn’t appear to wake up to his fucking, although for all I know, he could have watched the entire thing. It was dark after-all.
In the end, I managed to jerk off all over this Italian guys face. He was pleading with me, “I LOVE your cock, Cum inside me, cum on my face, cum anywhere you want, give me your load, please give me your hot load.” Not even kidding. He wanted it really bad. I knew I was struggling to get off but thankfully I did get over the edge. I just aimed at his face and fired. It was everywhere. When I was done, his mouth was straight back on it, cleaning me up.
As I was getting changed, he grabs his phone and takes photos of his face.
I was like, “Sending that to your mates, huh?”, even though I knew the answer lol.
It was late. The party was closing and Andrew/Neil were my lift back to the motel. Just like they were from the pool. I would have been screwed without their help, and I know it.
I said to the Italian guy, “Do you want my number?” and he was like, “Ummm, YES!”
Hilarious. I gave him it. He pranked me. It wasn’t fake, he needn’t have worried.
I dunno why I gave him my number. I know he’s not usually my type. He certainly wasn’t ugly, nor was he unfit, I just definitely know I have a less hairy preference haha. But hey, when in Rome as they say. And look, it turned out pretty well, you know, besides almost passing out from heat exhaustion and lack of sleep.

I find Andrew again and we exchange stories and he goes on about how hot Daniel is again and I said, “We need to get Lucas back with him so he comes over to the house again!” But I feel like Brett had a pretty good hold on him this time. Although they have broken up once before! Haha. Watch this space I guess.

Okay, ONE more thing to write about. The gay beach. Fuck me, what a busy two days I’ve had. I had to climb over a fuckload of rocks just to reach this beach, which is hidden away somewhere south of Byron Bay. It’s a gay beach which naturally means it’s also a nude beach. So Andrew gets his car going again and we get a park but we have to park ages away because it’s one of the busiest days of the year for that beach, so we have to walk along the rocks. And I’m not just talking a few rocks, I mean full on mountain climbing rocks. I seriously thought I was going to die right then and there from one single slip on those rocks. It was a LONG way down if I did onto all those jagged edges, and yet there is professional-Andrew (who had been to this beach probably hundreds of times over the years) climbing them like a pro and then wondering why the hell I wasn’t following him. It was also because I had my stuff with me! I had to go home after this to catch my 7pm bus home from Byron Bay that night, and Andrew was taking off to a different party that night at his camping site (which he also showed me)

Literally middle of fucking nowhere, bamboo forest everywhere, a hidden gay retreat.
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I should have gotten more photos, but basically that whole area fills up with tents and they have a party and catering and who knows. Andrew camps there every year so like 2 weeks so it was cool to finally see it in person and I met a few of the neighbours. One was a Canadian guy with his Aussie boyfriend who were there to “Get away from all the pretentious Sydney queens”. The Canadian guy was quite cute too, so I’m sure I’ll hear stories from Andrew when he gets back home.

Anyway, back to the beach, Andrew ends up climbing back and taking my bag from me, and walks back over with both HIS bag and mine whilst scaling the rocks with ease. I was still freaking out. I had never done this before. The other option was to walk around whilst the tide was low, but it wasn’t that low when we were there, plus I could see fucking bluebottles everywhere! Ahhhh!! So I didn’t have a choice. Now that I had my hands free, I could climb this thing. I was ready to give up then and there and not even make it to the fucking beach.

Very glad I did though. It was the first nude beach I’ve ever been to. Andrew showed me the cruising areas and the tracks etc. It felt weird walking behind completely naked guys since I was fully clothed. But that’s the norm there. Me being clothed made me the odd-one out. I was still conscious of my horrid sunburn, let alone taking my pants and underwear off as well.
It stunned me that there were guys in that surf, balls and cock hanging freely, when I knew there were bluebottles in there. Fuck that! I certainly don’t wanna be stung there!

Andrew ran into quite a few guys he know there. You know what? It’s so weird standing there whilst your landlord chats to someone who is completely starkers LOL. And they are just talking back non-challantly, not covering up at all. And why should they? Not in that environment. I guess clothes were only invented by the prudish for modesty back in the day. We’re all born naked.
One guy we chatted to was the younger of everyone, who’s name was also Matt, offered me a lift back into Byron Bay, since he was headed that way anyway. It was incredibly nice of him. All these friends of Andrew’s who didn’t even know me offering to give me somewhere to sleep and transport to where I needed to go. It was really kind of them and they certainly didn’t have to. Matt’s in an open relationship and his boyfriend doesn’t mind about him going to the gay beach to hook up with other guys. I think that’s so admirable, guys who can do open relationships and it just works for them. No jealousy or any of that crap. But I don’t know their story.
Andrew said to me later that he could tell Matt thought that I was hot. I was like, “Well, duh” (only because it was obvious, not because I’m up myself lol).

This was a pic I took of Kings Beach from on top of the rocks
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Andrew getting his arse out
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After Andrew left, I stayed and decided to go for a swim. I changed naked on the beach into my blue swimmers. I definitely wanted to cover up because I knew there was a chance that I could be stung. There weren’t as many on this beach as there were earlier on on the other beaches, but it was evident that there were still some.
I’m so glad I went in. The water was fucking freezing but it was stunning once I submerged myself under the waves completely. It was the sunburn that was warming up my skin so much that was the hardest. But each time a wave hit them afterwards, it was just the best feeling in the world.
I was probably in there for a good 20 minutes/half-hour. And, bonus, I didn’t get stung.

I made my way back up to where I left my bad near where Matt had set up. He was also completely naked the whole time, except now there was no Andrew with me. It was just me and his naked friend that I’d just met. Matt’s only 2 years older than I am, so obviously one of Andrew’s younger friends, not like the other ones he stopped to say hi to. I saw so much old man cock today that’ll do me for the year thanks.
But Andrew WAS still there. He was so late for his party, but I guess he just got stuck chatting. had they seen me out in the surf? I changed naked behind the rocks so I doubt they saw that.
Anyway, Andrew took off and I thanked him for everything. Matt stayed for another hour or so and I went for a few more walks to the water, being careful not to step on all the washed-up bluebottles. There was even a jellyfish. Eeep!
Matt went for a swim and he was okay as well, then he went up the back for a cruise. He offered me to join him but I declined haha. I’d had enough with the guy last night!
although I will say, being in that ocean is a wonderful remedy for removing any evidence that a gay guy was a slut the night before. That did cross my mind.
Matt was gone for ages, but eventually returned after I’d walked the beach heaps more. He told me about this one straight guy with tattoos who he was wanting to get with, but then the tattoo’d-up guy made a beeline for some hairy old bear. We laughed that it just goes to show you never know who’s going to be into whom. He then pointed out who the guy guys were and they couldn’t have been more different, but the bear did have a huge smile on his face.

This was a selfie I took haha
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Anyway, Matt asked if I wanted to join him to coffee, which I took him up on. We made it to Byron Bay and he took me to this lovely little place. I was surprised at how busy Byron Bay was. I swear it wasn’t that busy the last few times I went there, although it was a while ago. We just chatted about random stuff and when it got close to my bus departure time, he walked me there, which wasn’t far from the cafe. He asked for my number, and I gave it to him. Great, I gave out my number to two guys who I normally wouldn’t have given my number out to. In fact, I barely give it out to anyone simply because I HATE talking on the phone. Even though it’s mobile, I feel like it’s so restrictive when I could be doing other shit. That’s just me, I’m weird.

So I walk to the bus and a huge-ass storm comes over. It is absolutely PELTING with rain. Once again. my Snapchat is proof of that, because I was bitching about it haha. I ended up getting SOAKED, even with my umbrella, until I eventually found some shelter that wasn’t taken and I dried up a bit. 7:10pm passed and three buses arrived and departed, but mine still hadn’t shown. It was now 7:40 and the bus still hadn’t arrived. I was thinking, “Am I at the right stop!? I SWEAR I’ve gotten it here before.”
Anyway, when the Sydney bus pulled in, the driver from that got out and told us that the Brisbane bus was another half-hour away. Fucking hell.
So after standing in the torrential rain for over a fucking hour and now being cold, the Brisbane bus rocks up at 8:50pm, an hour and a half late! Like, what the fuck? I wasn’t the only one waiting though, hence why I originally couldn’t take shelter from the thunderstorm, so I knew it had to be somewhere.

The bus stops off at the service station just south of the Queensland border so that passengers can use the restrooms and grab food etc. It’s a really good idea and brings a lot of business to that service centre, I would say. There was a cute guy serving me when I ordered KFC (it was better than the Maccas option as far as I’m concerned) and he must’ve seen my wristband that I was still wearing from the night before and he asked, “Are you heading to Falls?” because that’s another festival that was happening that day. I was like, “No” and asked if he was going and he said, “I’m not 18 yet.” I asked, “Are you nearly 18 though?” and he replies, “I’m 16.”
Damn! And to think I thought he was flirting with me, a guy half my damn age LOL. He was probably just being friendly and excited when he saw I might have been a festival go-er. I didn’t tell him where I’d been though, although I wondered afterward if I should have. The teenagers do seem to be a lot more liberal in that area. Certainly not like the Queensland ones.
Andrew reckons the only area that could maybe host a similar event to Tropical Fruits in Queensland would be Maleny. I’d have to agree with that. It’s probably the one area that could get away with it, because it’s so beautiful up that way.

Anyway, as I was getting back on the bus, I couldn’t find my seat nor the stuff I’d left in my seat pocket. I was walking up and down the aisle of the bus thinking that I’d done nuts. One passenger asked what I was looking for, and I said, “My seat with my stuff, it’s missing.” I even asked one guy who looked like he was in my seat if he’d moved seats.
It was then that I heard the sound of an engine starting. I looked ahead through the windscreen of this bus to see another identical bus parked in front of it.

Another fucking bus had pulled in behind mine. And I had literally one minute to be on the damn thing LOL. Fuck me. I tore off that bus and some guy also running for the bus saw me step off that bus and asked, “Did you get on the wrong bus?” i just said, “Yeah” and he burst out laughing. It was pretty funny.
That’s how out of it I was!

Oh MERCY, what a crazy few days. I think it was the lack of sleep and the heatstroke and the sunburn and all those hot guys and bare bodies at the pool party and naked bodies at the gay beach and wild dancing at the recovery party. Apparently the main party on the first night is three times the size. My God.

Anyway, it’s 3:30am now. Thank-you if you actually managed to read all of this crap. Haha.

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Last updated January 02, 2017

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