store coupon thurs. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
- Dec. 21, 2016, 4:53 a.m.
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so this happened thurs. copied from my fb:
‘ so my mom & i were at the store the other day. and she had coupons er a coupon for choc. to get my dad. well so bu she can’t find it. the coupon i mean not the choc. so maybe 5 mins later she found it. and she had it all along. just like dorothy. [yes bc there’s a version of wiz. of oz where dorothy had her coupon w/ her all that time. that’s exactly what happened. no um at the end of the movie she asks for heart, courage and um a brain but she had them all along]. oh Mom.......i’ve done things like that. oh and then she couldn’t find a certain brand of uh crackers. well turns out they were right in the same aisle as the choc. as we found out when the lady she asked came back. the v. aisle i was in but didn’t even see them untill the lady told us. the misadventures of anne and mom. er i mean me and.......and my mom. ‘
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