Birthday weekend (pics) in Adventures in paradise
- Dec. 4, 2016, 4:05 a.m.
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It’s been a pretty crazy weekend. About as much as crazy can be in my life these days, I suppose.
Today is my birthday! I’m writing because if I don’t, I’ll probably forget things that have happened, and given that I’m jumping on a plane tonight, hopefully I’ll have a few more adventures to add later on.
Anyway, Friday night I had my birthday dinner at Grill’d in the Valley. It’s been a local hangout for me for years. I’m always going there with Vish and his boyfriend and sometimes other various mutual friends join us, so it’s been a lot of fun over the years, plus I wanted to go somewhere casual but away from the Valley clubbing crowd a little bit.
It was nice. I was the first to arrive, probably a good thing and I told the lady taking orders that I had a table booked. As she led me out to where the ‘Reserved’ signs were on two tables outside, these two girls decided to sit RIGHT AT THE DAMN TABLE, and I was just casually like, “Do you guys have a table reserved as well?”
Anyway, they apologized and got up and left :P Because there were two tables next to each other connected, there were two reserve signs on each table, so I wanted to make sure both were mine. I knew I had 8 people supposedly coming, and that’s how many showed up!
Moe arrived first and we just sat and chatted for a while. He’d texted me earlier saying he had his present for me but it was quite big so I told him to just hold onto it until later. I wanted to go out after and didn’t want to have to lug something large with me.
Rhys and Luke arrived shortly after and then Stevie. We were all in conversation and laughing when Angelo rocked up. I had made the mistake of thinking that my friends who were already there all knew who Angelo was, because I’ve known all of them for so many years, but I quickly realized that they hadn’t met each other and quickly jumped in to introduce him to the guys.
Angelo is a very good-looking Italian guy, and I knew pretty much straight away that Moe thought he was hot haha.
Anyway, then Rick turned up and finally, Vish and James turned up. Vish, late as per her usual self ^rolls eyes^
The food was good! I bought a rekorderlig with my meal because I wanted to start drinking. It’s so yummy for a cider. Moe, Rhys, Luke, Steve and I were toward one side of the table and were laughing and joking most of the time. If I’d planned it better, I should have been more directly in the middle so I could interact with everyone, but we kinda had two groups going on, with the occasional group convo when one got quiet. I’m always conscious of things like that happening, as at this stage in my life I tend to have the two different groups of close-knit friends.
After dinner, I decided I was going to The Beat. I can’t even remember the last time I was there, it’s been so long. Moe and I went there alone to start with, whilst Steve went to put more money in his meter and Vish, James and Rick had to duck home for a bit but said they’d meet us out. Angelo unfortunately didn’t want to go out, as he’d been at work all day and wasn’t in the mood. Was a shame really because I probably would have tried to get him and Moe to make out haha.
I was surprised that Vish and James came out because nobody thought that Vish would. I said, “Yeah but he probably will just because it’s me,” and I was happy to see him turn up.
The Beat music was the same as it’s always been, even like 15 years ago when I was going as an 18yo. WOW that makes me feel old :D
It was good though. We danced to Spice Girls and Tina Turner and B*Witched and the Greece Soundtrack and all the other camp hits. Scotteh was DJing and he’s on my Facebook friends list and he’s always been a pretty good DJ, always knowing what times to play what dance songs to get people onto the dancefloor and whatnot. None of us went on the dancefloor though, just danced near out seats.
There was one instance where I thought a fight was going to break out at our table though. Basically this happy drunk girl stumbled into our group and said something to Luke that came across as very rude and Luke pretty much told her to “fuck off” (rightfully so) and then she was like, “That’s not very nice” and blah blah blah. All I really saw was the pissed off faces between the two and the few things she said. It was something about her saying that he looked old or something LOL, when in fact they are like at least 5 years younger than I am.
Anyway, all my friends decided to bail at 11:30pm. 11-fucking-30… I was like, “You’ve got to be kidding me” but I wasn’t staying out at the club by myself. I wasn’t drunk enough for that, although I did get sufficiently tipsy that night, as the guys were mostly buying me drinks.
I said goodbye to everyone and hugged everyone, and Rick tight, as he’s making the move to Sydney. He reminded me to visit him whenever I go down, which was nice.
I walked with Moe back to his car and he gave me his present, which was a candy-floss maker LOL. Gayest thing ever. He’s like, “I thought you might like that.”
I was very appreciative, of course, but I was thinking, “Wow that’s like the most unhealthy thing ever, but okay!”
Moe drove me home so I could drop off the machine, but I pretty much went out again right after doing so. I didn’t want to go home yet! My b’day had only just begun. So I went out again and walked back to the Valley, but I didn’t actually go back into any clubs. I just sat down on some benches and people-watched with my thoughts that I’m gonna be the big 33, and even though I wasn’t in a club, it was just nice. I was definitely still a little drunk, so I think I was riding that out. In the end I decided I’d better go home and get some sleep.
So that was Friday night.
Last night, I went out again. There was another storm that afternoon and my friend Kenny messaged me that he was nearby and I told him to come over, so he did so. I opened the door and he walked in with his head down looking like a drowned rat, it was so cute. We ended up watching “King Cobra” (me for the second time) as he was excited to see it and had been looking for it, and then the second storm crossed over so I ordered Menulog Thai and we ate that and then decided to hook up.
Kenny was a virgin when I met him, but he’s certainly not now. The guy has picked up some skillz! Holy dooley. He only gave me head but man that mouth has some power to it. I lasted quite a while but eventually let him bring me to orgasm. It was just too good. I was very surprised that he swallowed, given that we’d both just eaten. The only thing he couldn’t do was deep-throat, because of the food, and said it was stupid to do that after eating rather than before. I wasn’t complaining, I just had to let him do the work rather than trying to make him take it.
Afterward, I was like, “Well, that was a hell of a lot better than a wank.”
He laughed.
We chatted for ages about random stuff and guys we’d hooked up with and he was going through the Grindr grid on my phone to see if there were any guys I’d hooked up with that he had also. He knew my old housemate Ryan quite well and he was surprised to hear that he’d lived with me. I know Ryan likes his Asian guys and is such a great guy, so it wouldn’t surprise me that they’d hooked up.
I couldn’t decide if I was gonna go out that night, although I wanted to go check out the T-dance party, so after we hooked up I threw on some nice-ish clothes and headed out to the Valley. Who goes out right AFTER hooking up?
Anyway, so we chatted the whole way and sat at the bus stop, but for some reason the buses weren’t stopping there like they usually do, so I suggested going to the train station where I saw Kenny off and gave him a hug goodbye. It was nice to just hang out with him.
I did go out afterward. I decided to go to the Wickham. The music was SO loud that it drowned out the nearby clubs, but it is an open beer garden so the acoustics can sail right out onto the street, unlike all the other closed-in clubs. I wandered around the dance-area but it was very packed and I quickly made my way to the quieter area of the pokies room. I’d brought out $100 with me, which I still had left over from the night before from everyone buying me drinks, so I decided (probably stupidly) to put $50 in one of the pokie machines. I hardly ever play and decided that if I lost it, that was gonna be in and I wasn’t gonna let it get to me.
Anyway, would you believe, I ended up winning $150 and decided to quit whilst I was ahead. Woohoo! It took ages for the attendant to see that I had won and come over and give me the cash. So yeah, $100 up! That pretty much paid for the dinner I’d ordered earlier.
I was actually headed home and walking through the park across from my work when a group of four (2 guys and 2 girls) called me over to them. Or rather, one of the girls did, so, of course I did. I was happily tipsy again, so why not! I tried to catch all of their names and from what I remember there was Savannah, Sam, Jacob and I forget what the other girls name was, but I know she was from Canada, and I was loving hearing her speak haha. I was telling her how much I like her accent and she was like, “Good. Don’t guess that I’m from America like a lot of others do.” I laughed at the rivalry.
Anyway, so Jacob was really cute, in fact both of the guys were and I thought that they could even maybe be gay going off of my gaydar, but I wasn’t sure, and then Sam started making out with the Canadian chick next to him, so then that threw me. Then they were all going to X&Y and I hadn’t been there in years! Why not? So I tagged along with them and started to chat with Jacob a little bit but then he lagged behind with the others so that didn’t go anywhere.
Then I watched Savannah almost get wiped out by a car as she drunkenly crossed at the red walk signal.
They still have that ultra tiny dancefloor in there that everyone tries to cram into at once and people are smooshed up against the window and happily dancing on pills and trying to woo in people walking by on the footpath outside. The bouncer wished me a happy birthday as he checked my ID (nice when they do that) and I thanked him and went in. As we were walking in, Sam goes to me “Are you into the girls or the dudes?”
I replied, “The dudes! isn’t it obvious?” and he flashes me this big grin. If he hadn’t just been making out with the Canadian chick, I mighta tried to kiss him then and there. He could have been bi, I dunno. Anyway, he was really nice and ordered me a drink at the bar for my birthday. He asked what I wanted and I just said, “Anything girly!” and he goes, “I’ll get you something nice.”
It was a vodka raspberry. Yup, pretty girly!
I then joined them in a chill-out area out the back, which was small as well, but there weren’t many people there. Then there was an even smaller smokers area nearby that. It has to be one of the smallest bars I’ve seen in Brisbane. I had no idea where Jacob had gone. The last I saw of him was when we were walking toward the bar. I know he went in with us but yeah, it was a shame I couldn’t perve on him a little longer.
Savannah was excited when she found out that I’d never smoked a cigarette before, so she drags me to the smokers area and lights up a Longbeach and hands it to me, instructing me what to do. Apparently I was even holding it wrong haha. I took a suck on it and held it and then Sam comes up and goes, “Now inhale it again so it goes into your lungs.” So I did that but very carefully as I was bracing myself to have a coughing fit. Thankfully I didn’t and I exhaled the smoke but there wasn’t much, so it must have been obvious that I didn’t take a big drag of it or anything. I was kind of just copying what I did in Amsterdam with the joint. Anyway, it was gross and just made my mouth taste like ash. I don’t think I’ll be taking up the habit anytime soon.
After that I went back to the bar to order a drink. I bought two Midori lemonades to save time going back, and I gave the bartender a $50 but she only gave me $3 change. I was like, “HOW MUCH WAS IT?” and she said “$17” and I said, “I gave you $50!” Luckily there wasn’t a fight over it and she gave me the correct change, but I wasn’t paying $47 for two drinks lol. When I went back to the chill-out area, I couldn’t see anyone I knew, so that was the end of the random strangers encounter, which was a bit disappointing. I wanted to get to know them better. It was very brief but a bit of fun and they made my night a bit more exciting.
I started to walk back home again but then turned around again and made one last walk through the valley main clubbing areas. It was now my birthday and I didn’t want to be boring.
It was a very busy Saturday night. I never get to see most of this because I’m usually working each and every weekend.
I’m glad I did though because I saw a fight happening between a police officer and 4 people, being dragged across the mall right near the Police Beat. I’d missed what happened earlier but it was evident that one of the guys had been pepper-sprayed and his mate and wrestled the pepper-spray from the police officer and was trying to spray him back with it and they were being shoved across the mall. It was pretty fascinating to watch. I Snap-chatted the last of it if anyone has me on there and views My Story. I don’t think the links translate to here but I’ll try.
Pepper spray
Next thing I knew about 10 more officers came running and a cop car with sirens blaring roared up the street and quickly pulled into the mall, where two more officers jumped out. I think those guys will be in a bit of trouble.
That was a night for me! I decided I needed to get home and at least get some sleep because I didn’t want to be too hungover before jumping on my flight to Darwin today. I actually leave in a couple of hours but wanted to write first.
I got home and Lukas was up, so I ended up chatting with him until 5am this morning, which was lovely. He’s really great to talk to once he gets going, much like Nick is, but they are different people. I’m stunned at how much confidence Lukas has. Like he knows he’s good looking and can just go up to a guy in the club and take him home. I was asking him about Daniel, that cute guy that he was seeing, but apparently they are ‘permanently off’ now because Daniel’s gone back to his ex, which was a surprise, because I know his ex. So there’s this whole relationship triangle thing going on and off and on that seems very interesting to hear all about. We spoke about guys and drugs and everything. The whole time he’s just in his underwear on the couch. I was still all dressed up from having been out. It was a nice talk.
I actually got up him because I’d hooked up with three guys last week and the hottest one was the one he didn’t meet (the Columbian) LOL.
I’m not expecting much from this trip. The gay club there is only open on Friday and Saturday nights between 9pm and 1am LOL. I’m like, “Who makes a business by opening 8 hours a week??” So the gay scene up there must all be in beats and such.
Half of me is wondering why I’m even going because it’s going to feel like such a short time, arriving Midnight Monday and leaving midnight Wednesday, but hey, I’m hoping it’s small enough to explore most things touristy and I’ll be able to say I’ve been. I am looking forward to it, just not the 4.5 hour flight each way. But hey, I handled a 20+ hour flight each way to London so I’m sure I can handle this one.
Deleted user ⋅ December 03, 2016
The cotton candy kit sounds like a fun gift item.
fjäril ⋅ December 04, 2016
happy birthday to you!
-.Just.Keep.Swimming.- ⋅ December 04, 2016
Happy Birthday!!!
KissOfLife! -.Just.Keep.Swimming.- ⋅ December 05, 2016
cazoob ⋅ December 05, 2016
Happy birthday! I keep seeing fairy floss machines for sale and want to get one. Great present lol. Enjoy Darwin!
KissOfLife! cazoob ⋅ December 05, 2016
Thanks love!
wintergrey ⋅ December 05, 2016
Happy belated birthday!!!
KissOfLife! wintergrey ⋅ December 05, 2016
~Octopussy~ ⋅ December 05, 2016
There was something I was going to comment about but this entry is long and I just started mainlining tequila so I'll come back and post it after I reread this entry sober. But many happy returns, my friend.
KissOfLife! ~Octopussy~ ⋅ December 05, 2016
Ha! Thankyou
Swanny ⋅ December 07, 2016
Happy Birthday. You don't look a day over 27 :)
KissOfLife! Swanny ⋅ December 07, 2016
Aww thankyou. If only there was a non-surgical way to keep it that way :P