Staff in Gratitude
- Nov. 29, 2016, 6:10 p.m.
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Today i’m grateful for my staff. One of my control room workers quit yesterday, and I thought I was gonna have a nightmare of a time filling her shifts, but my other 3 staff stepped up and filled everything for at least the next 2 weeks. So that’s a relief.
The staff who quit....grrr. she was on her second chance and you can bet she’s not getting a 3rd, if I have anything to do with it. I understand she was having health issues…she’s been off due to surgery for 2 weeks. But then she just doesn’t show up on monday and calls in and tells everyone except who she needs to (me!! Her supervisor…) that she’s quitting. Then she leaves a long rambly voicemail to the HR guy, but doesn’t actually say she’s quitting. So I have to wait until Thursday to officially strike her from the schedule. But I filled her shifts anyways, cuz I know she’s not coming back.
Oh well. I wouldn’t be so mad except this is the second time she’s done the same thing to me....told everyone else she was quitting, but ignored all of my calls and texts to see if she was coming back or not. Well. No more of that shit. She’s done, no more chances.
I am also slightly irritated because I realized halfway thru leadership meeting today that the sup who is usually on duty on tues night wasn’t there. Leaving me by myself and on duty. I hate not having warning about that kind of shit. My supervisor called in to see how I was and I told him, or he could tell from my tone, that I was annoyed and I told him why and at least he took accountability that it was his fault, he forgot to tell me. Hrmph.
I am going to see if I can take a holiday on the Saturday after my house closes…if my house closes…I still haven’t heard from the people that I need to hear from…but anyways. We’ll see. I should actually go do something productive....
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