Bite me in the ass in Adventures in paradise
- Dec. 1, 2016, 6:13 a.m.
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What a crazy week this has been. From crying at work a week ago to having sex with two very good-looking guys over a decade younger than me, it’s certainly been a roller-coaster. And I mean actual sex with them both. Since when do I have SEX-SEX with people??
I already wrote about one of them, but the one I had last night was just gorgeous.
Columbian. Here studying English.
Ass you could use as a pillow. Big dick. Very cute face.
He was fascinated by my penis haha. And he wasn’t afraid to try and take me all. We just did it missionary and the look on his face said everything. He was in a bit of pain but I could see the pleasure taking over, his gorgeous dark eyes rolling into the back of his head. I just took it gentle with him and gradually got rougher. He was loving it!
He did say that he will probably be sore the next day.
It’s also the first time I have simultaneously orgasmed with another guy. As he came, I came inside him. That only took almost 33 years LOL. Or rather, I should say 15 years, as I certainly wasn’t having sex as a baby :P
It’s been a pretty fun week too! Really warming up here the past few weeks, and Scotty was kind enough to invite me over to his place for a swim on Tuesday evening. He said to invite Vish, so I did, but he was working until late, so I went over there anyway and Scotty and I just sat in the spa and talked for ages, until Vish and James arrived about 1.5 hours later. I was already toasty and warm and wrinkled from so long in the water and I definitely needed to cool down so I dove into the nearby pool. MAN that was nice!!! I did not want to get out.
Anyway, Vish said he wanted a selfie of us so I got my phone and decided to play around with the Snapchat filters. If you have me on Facebook, you will probably have already seen these.
I just finished my Thursday shift at work, now I just have tomorrow to go and it’s a shorter day, then I get a weekend off for the first time in forever!!!
I’ve only invited 8 people to my birthday dinner. Vish, James, Rick, Moe, Steve, Luke, Rhys and Angelo. I invited Scott and Carly also but they can’t make it. I also invited my old housemate Reece but never heard back, so he’ll be a ‘no’.
I didn’t want to make a huge thing of it or anything. I’m going to go out afterwards for the first time in forever also, so I hope I can make a good night out of it. The idea is to go out Saturday night also, but I’ll see how I go.
Then on Sunday night, I’m off to Darwin! That’ll come and go pretty fast I reckon, but I’m looking forward to it. I’ve been keeping my eye on the weather to see how hot it is going to be up there, and lately it’s only been 1 degree warmer than it is here, so that’s good, although I’d imagine the humidity would be hell. I’m used to humidity here and I handle it fine most of the time, so I’m not sure how much worse it can get haha.
The guy who was meant to come and fix Andrew’s pump for the watering system reckons he couldn’t get a park this morning (likely) and rang me saying he wasn’t gonna waste his time and ended up going home. Fair enough. I remember when I had my car how frustrating it was trying to get a park near my own home, and I’m thankful I don’t need to do that anymore. He did suggest coming back on Saturday morning, but I intend to be hung-to-the-fuck-over on that morning and I sure as HELL am not getting out of bed to let in some guy on the one weekend day I can sleep in on! HELLS NO. I told Andrew and I’m sure he will be pissed off but I don’t give a shit. Not on my birthday-weekend.
I’ve actually had quite a few ‘fights’ with people this week. One was with Andrew yesterday. He suggested that I should pay half of the bill for the washing machine as a ‘gesture of good will’ even though I wasn’t the one who broke it. I hit back with, ‘It’s YOUR washing machine. YOU’RE the landlord. I didn’t break it!’ Then he spun off some story about how when he was in a sharehouse they had to split the bills. Ummm yes, when you were in a sharehouse. You’re a damn LANDLORD now! We don’t pay you rent for nothing. I didn’t think that was fair.
The other fights I had were with that vegan chick that I already wrote about LOL and another one today with some really attractive gay guy who worships Jesus who lives over in California or some shit. I’d sent him a Snapchat that I sent a couple of people and he decided to send a message back telling me I’m blocked because his ‘biggest turn-on is action-Snapchats (ie. sex)’
Fucking hilarious. This is the same guy who apparently had a long-term boyfriend and is always posting Snapchats from his church where people all have their hands in the air praising their Lord and Saviour.
So I replied, “Sorry, only my friend’s get to see those” and blocked him first. FFS, why TELL someone they are blocked, just fucking do it already.
Some people are fucking weird. Apparently that argument with the vegan went on and on and on but I couldn’t be bothered even reading what the grass-eater had spewed out. Too old for that shit.
Then today I was reading how I was born in the Year Of The Pig according to the Chinese zodiac, and one of the traits of people born in that year is that they always see the best in people they meet (so true, in my case definitely), but one of their vices is that because they have that trait, they automatically expect that other people will have the same trait (ie - be normal, decent, fucking-god-damn human beings) :P
Guess that proved to bite me in the arse this week.
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