Looking forward to it in Adventures in paradise
- Nov. 28, 2016, 11:06 a.m.
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Wow, I certainly didn’t expect that last entry to be as popular as it was. I normally only ever get a note or two lol. Anyway, thanks guys!
It’s 5:30am and I’ve been up since something like 3am, because I crashed out early yesterday. I initially fell asleep on the lounge in the loungeroom so I have no idea if my housemate’s walkd in and saw my drooling all over the pillow or not. I’m such a charming looker in my slumber :P
Anyway, woke up and made my way to my bed. I’d had a guy over from Grindr and it turned out surprisingly well. As in, the guy actually had some character to him and he even stuck around for a little bit afterwards and we chatted outside on the back deck for almost two hours. Found out a little bit about him.
The sex itself was actual sex (I love how I have to clarify that). He’s quite good looking, but to start with the sex didn’t really happen, on my part, which is nothing unusual and drives me crazy at the best of times, but thankfully after a little while and becoming more comfortable, I surprisingly got REALLY hard all of a sudden (ffs penis, make up your bloody mind) and fucked the shit out of him. Literally. It was a little bit messy. Okay, a lot messy.
I didn’t actually realize at first. I’m thankful that neither of us got any on my sheets and that it didn’t stink. But when I did realize, I didn’t make a big deal out of it. It’s not the first time it’s happened. I’m quite hung so I go in a fair way. It happens, I get over it. Most bottoms are pretty good in their preparation but I guess this guy just wasn’t.
I think he realized before I did and just didn’t say anything because he was embarrassed. I guess one would be. Anyway, I just quickly suggested we have a shower together, which we did. That’s where I found out how disgusting it really was HA. He must have had Mexican before coming over.
Sorry if you were eating a lovely meal whilst reading this lol.
Crazily enough, afterwards when we were talking outside, he mentioned that he see’s a psychologist for his depression and anxiety. How crazy is that? Like three entries after I was just writing about it here on Prosebox. So naturally I had to follow up on it, just asking him how he was finding it and what it involved. He told me and reckons his depression medication took about two months before it kicked in and that he gets the 10-free thing from the government (which I’d read about) because he’s a crazy person haha.
It must be working. He didn’t come across as crazy, but he probably is. I mean, guys who hang around after sex and want a 2-hour conversation probably are. But I admired his courage. After hearing a bit about his story, he’s definitely come a long way and had a bit of a rough past I guess. So of course he asked me why I wanted to know, and I told him basically what I wrote here, about how I have bad days but then usually I’ll have a sleep and it goes away, but when I do get it, I get it pretty bad.
He just went on to say that he had week-long bouts of it where it didn’t go away, and that’s how he knew he had to get help. He has a sister who really understands him and gave him a few examples of how to handle shit, like a 1-100 scale of how he feels in certain situations, and how she’d mention something kinda bad and he’d give it an 80, and then she’d mention someone’s death and he’d say 210. Then she’d say, ‘No the scale only goes up to 100’, so he’d say ‘100 then’ and she’d say, ‘so that means your previous problem is only 20 points less than if this person in your life died.’ And that’d give him perspective on how his mind exaggerated certain situations.
Hard to explain writing it I guess, but it was kinda cool to hear that story from him.
Both of my housemates were in the kitchen chatting with each other. It’s actually the first time I’ve heard them converse! And it seemed to be going well, so I hope that means they get along with each other. I heard some guy leave this morning, and I tried to see who it was haha but I unfortunately didn’t. I’m going to assume it was that hot British guy that the new housemate is going out with/not going out with. I know they both went out last night.
So because they were both in the kitchen, they both saw this guy I had over, and probably made their own judgements lol. The guy I had over was whispering to me, “So which one of them did you hook up with?” (because I may have mentioned that) LOL.
I need to stop bringing my diary life into my real-life situations :P
The washing machine repair guy finally turned up this morning, so we have a working washing machine again! He was literally only here about 5 minutes, thank God. I knew it would be an easy fix but it wasn’t something I could do myself. He just put the latch back on. It came to $107, which was less than I thought it would be. Nick said he was gonna transfer me the money, so, we’ll see.
I asked him what he thought caused it, even though it was obvious. Because Andrew specifically asked me to ask him. Of course the guy was like, “Someone’s slammed it really hard. I’ve never actually seen that happen before.” LOL.
Andrew messaged me whilst I had that guy over and asked me, so I told him.
I told Nick to brace himself for an email, because we both know what he’s like. The new housemate hasn’t experienced him yet, but he’ll soon find out in a few weeks when Andrew comes home again.
He says he’s not doing anything for Christmas. I’m half-tempted to ditch the invitation to my parent’s place and just hang out here with him. Who would have thought I’d ever be saying that 8 years ago?
He says I should catch a bus down to Byron and go to Tropical Fruits over New Years. I’ve never actually been there before but it always seems like so much fun from the photos and stuff. It’s basically a big gay event in the middle of nowhere in New South Wales. Weirdest place ever to have it, but it’s become like a cult thing and I’ve never been to it. I’m just not sure of my chances of getting it off work. Working in retail over Xmas and New Year is near impossible to get off, and New Year’s Eve is on a Saturday this year as well, which should mean I’d get the Sunday off work, hopefully. If it does I could even make it down there.
I’ve decided to just have my birthday at Grill’d this Friday night. Nothing too fancy. Just going to turn up. I texted a few close friends that’s where I’ll be and to turn up if they like. Moe, Steve, Rhys, Luke, Rick, Vish and James said they can come, but I haven’t heard back from Carly or Angelo. Scott said that’s date-night with his boyfriend so he can’t make it. Pfffft, fuck date-night off for one Friday of the year for my birthday, you dick! Haha, nah I don’t care.
I’m thinking I might go out afterwards, you know, because I never ever do.
~Octopussy~ ⋅ November 29, 2016
I love having those conversations with strangers that I just hooked up with.
KissOfLife! ~Octopussy~ ⋅ November 29, 2016
Haha I feel like you would with every hook-up :)