survey thingy. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 14, 2016, 6:52 a.m.
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1) Do you think kids or their parents are responsible for their beliefs?
that’s a weird question. bc to me someone being responsible for something is like. people are resposible for doing their own laundry. or making/getting their own food.

2) What are your current plans for the future? Will you be upset if they don’t work out?
i don’t have that many big plans and part of is thati don’t see myselfliving that long. [I have an ED and i drink so. although sometimes i drink more than others]. and part of that is i’m not that ambitious. ambitious people make me anxious actually it’s like they;re always in a rush. like i don’t have plans to get a job for instance. and maybe some day i’ll go back to school but that costs money and also i don’t always like being on a schedule. i’d really like to sociology again actually. but i don’t have a set time as to when. i still have my book. but since i do i don’t really need to go back to school to learn about that. idinno as much as i don’t like people i miss actually being in a school. like the building the actual physical building. i want to travel more but that’s a public goal. which is fine. and yes. i will be disappointed.

3) How do you react to absurd situations?
well i’d need an example in order to answer this.

4) Do you think murderers deserve to die?
well yes. but the reason i don’t believe in the death penalty is cause i don’t think that’s setting a good example. like children who know that uhm murderers have been well killed off might not understand that it’s wrong to kill. i mean i understand that it is i won’t even kill bugs in a house. and the reason for that is like really that’s your biggest problem that you have bugs? wow. except for bedbugs. bedbugs are terrible and creepy. but like ants or spiders. most of the time they won’t bother you. or bees. but if they’re hornets or wasps then they should be put ouside. but not killed. and actually i like spiders. i also like bees.

5) How much do you depend on technology?
um quiet a bit but i’m not one of those people who has a smar phone or anything. and i wouldn’t want one. if i want to know the weather for instance. then i either call the weather people or i go online. apps are fun but i have a few on my computer i almost never use i just got them cause they seemed fun or interesting or they’d teach me stuff. you know i’m the kindof person who would rather go online and like watch tv. or learn about cultures and beliefs. or go on social media. i’m not entirely attached to my phone. i use it to make/recieve calls check the time for alarms and not much else. oh and for the calander feature. nothing against having fun no that’s something people should do. i’m just idinno. i’m not one of those smartphone people. also they’re huge. and i have small phones so er i mean small hands i have small hands. though i do have 2 small phones. um anyway. yes i have small hands so the new phones everyone has nowadays feel awkward in my hands. also i can’t stand touch screens.
ok so maybe i don’t use technology all that much.

6) Is it always worthwhile to hear both sides of an argument?
um sometimes.

7) If someone is hypocritical, do you point it out?

8) Do you think it’s better to believe a lie than to live with an unpleasant truth?
well firstoff. my definiton of a lie is different than 90% of other people’s. to me a lie is a yes/no thing. like if someone asks yyou if you knocked over a lamp and you say no even though you did then that’s a lie. the other kind is a dishonesty.

and sometimes. if someone’s going to be honest w/ their friend but what they’re going to be honest about is only going to upset their friend.then don’t tell them w/e it is. it won’t help anyone and no one will move forward.

9) What’s your favorite art form?
that i personally do or in general?

10) If you could change your family, what would you change?
idinno i’m not big on family.

11) How heavily do you depend on others when forming opinions?
well i’m really easily influenced so. which doesn’t really answer the question.

12) If you could have one conversation before you died, who would you talk to and what would you say?
i think i already did but i have no memory of that. like at all. the only reason i know more of what happened is cause evan told me. i’ve written about this.

13) How much potential do you think you have?
a lot maybe

14) Is it wise for humans to attempt to create life?
Okay…I read this question in two different ways… Is it wise for humans to attempt to create life, i.e. reproduce. The answer to that, for me, is some people, yes. And other people, no. < me too. funny cause i was thinking about this recently. some people who don’t have kids for w/e reason would make great parents. but some people who do don’t. However, I read this same question in a different way too. Is it wise for humans to attempt to create life, i.e. genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. um..........maybe? i don’t know.

15) Talk about a favorite memory.
some of my memories w/ evan.

16) What would you sacrifice for money?
i don’t understand the question.

17) If you could bring someone back from the dead, would you? If so, who would it be?
yes omygod yes. Pat. but only if he’d be exactly as he was when he was here.

18) What do you think is the meaning of life?
w/e people make it to be. i heard that once in HS.

19) Do you think the average person has the potential to be a hero?

20) If someone poor stole from someone rich, who would you sympathize with?
the person of limited means cause they need it more. it also depends on what they took. like if it’s food then w/e. unless it’s something really awesome/meaningful to the rich person. like if their friend baked them a really good cake or something. but if it’s something sentimental then......... like i don’t think i’d ever take something from someone’s house. which well...................see as ive already mentioned in this blog the lady has this rule about how if you want something food/beverage and it’s not yours then ask. so she didn’t tell me i couldn’t have it she just wants me to ask. and i haven’t done that in a long time ask. to me that just seems slightly unneccessary. if it’s really that important she can fukin label it. and yet. when i have my own food no one taks that. but when i buy like nutrigrain type bar things i take them up to my room cause otherwise jennifer will eat them. and i don’t go to the store that often.

i mean. if someone’s that damn hungry then for the love of god eat. they don’t even have to ask to eat my food. also from a personal standpoint. i as i’ve mentioned i have an ED. so yes even though some of us choose not to eat well. i know what it’s like to not eat. and it’s not good. [i realise of course that this is different than people who just don’t have food cause they either actually don’t have a lot around them or they need to pay other bills]. long as they put it back and don’t take too much of it i do not care. they’re hungry. eating is a basic human need so. so clearly it isn’t an issue of money for me. i don’t wany anyone taking my stuff but w/ my food it’s like w/e.

but getting back to the question. i uh used to take stuff. like from dept. stores. and i think society makes a bigger thing out of that then they should. like really? that’s their biggest problem? wow.

21) How quickly do you form opinions about other people?

22) Would you kill someone if they planned to kill you?
um. well i have depression and/or don’t fully appreciate life so.

23) Are you flattered or annoyed by gentlemanly behavior?
i don’t like the word ‘gentlemanly’. my dad’s used it which is part of the reason i don’t like it. idinno. like the reason er when someone’s opened a door for me i won’t like enter wherever it is is cause then i’d have to talk to the person and i don’ to people. so it has nothing to do w/ class or chivalry or w/e. but i get annoyed when my dad does it cause i feel like there’s more to it than that. [he has asperger’s. i don’t trust him. and i feel like when he opens doors for me he notices me.........and even though he’s never done anything i still don’t trust him]. so.

24) Do you think you belong in hell? Why or why not?
no. sure i might not be the most ethical of people but no. also i don’t believe in it. i don’t like to put things as ‘bad’ which is why i don’t believe in ‘bad’ people. sure evan’s a bit fuked up but that doesn’t make him a bad person. same w/ an alcoholic. i think people have less than favorable qualities but i don’t think..............there are ‘bad’ people there are just. people who aren’t good.

25) Is perfection a good goal?

26) Describe your family?

27) Do you think it’s wrong to use animals as attractions and accessories?
well i’d need an example so.

28) Do you think people should revolt if the government is corrupt?
in what way?

29) If you were stranded, would you be able to take care of yourself?
i’d physically be able to yes. doesn’t mean i’d be willing to though.

30) What would you be the god/goddess of?
um oh wow.

31) If you could start a new life in a new world, would you?
Part of me says, ”YES! Let’s go NOW!!” But another part of me says, ”No. We’re already too invested in this life and this world.” So I’m torn on this question.

32) What motivates you best?
fear. which actually i think is rather unhealthy. and therefore not a good motivator.

33) If it important to work for the greater good of the world?
i don’t actually know what that means. people talk about the greater good but it sees to be this big vague thing that everyone but me seems to know what it means.

34) Would you kill your closest friend to save them from a worse fate?
Yes, I believe in everyone’s right to end their lives when and how they see fit, for whatever reason compels them. < me too. i can see the reason people think suicide is selfish but i personally think it’s more selfish to keep someone here if they’re in that much damn pain/that uncomfortable.
But it’s one thing to take your own life and ask your loved ones to be respectful and supportive of your choice. It’s something else entirely to put that weight, that burden, on someone else.

35) Does listening to other people’s problems help you or weigh you down?
It helps me in that it distracts me. and if someone isn’t having a problem then. i don’t relate to them and i’m not needed.

36) How much do you judge others on physical appearance?
um a bit.

37) Are you romantic?

38) What’s your best physical feature?
um idinno

39) What is your most important possession?

40) Have you ever done anything ridiculous for love? What?

41) Do you value uniqueness?
ok so i read that as ‘unpleasentness’ just now and i’m like ‘what the hell?’. but yeah i like.that.

42) Would you be willing to be in a relationship with someone who is very dominant?

43) Is there anything you feel guilty about right now? What?
um probably

44) Do you believe something has value simply because it’s beautiful?
Well, sure…isn’t that what art is…?

45) How consistent are your feelings about people close to you?
i’m pretty...........consistent

46) If you died now, what would you want to happen to your possessions?

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