1 pill 2 pills 3 pills 4 in Gratitude
- Nov. 11, 2016, 2:57 p.m.
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Today I’m grateful for meds. Even though I hate taking them. Even tho I’m awful at taking them (even tho I’ve been on some sort of regime since I was 14.) I can’t swallow them unless they’re hidden in food or floating in water. If they touch my tongue, it’s over.
I went to the psychiatrist this morning. He upped the doxepin, in the hopes it would help me sleep better. Or stay asleep better. So here’s hoping.
This is gonna be a short entry,as I’m on my phone at MC waiting for the pharmacy to open so I can get an refill on ativan, since I lost my last script and haven’t had any all month. And boy do I need some this week. Oi vet.
My boss texted me and asked if I’d switch schedules for tomorrow. Of course I said yes, heh.
Ok. That’s about all I have the patience to write right now!
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