Art in Gratitude

  • Nov. 10, 2016, 9:19 p.m.
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Today I am grateful for art. For being able to create what I consider to be art. Photography, which I am relatively good at (some days, lol.) and cards, which use my photography. And just random things, like the project I am working on now- the altered book. Or rather, that I am trying to work on.

Sometimes starting a project is a little bit daunting. I have all of the pages marked out that I want to use, so far, but am hesitant to take the first steps - or next steps- because…of what? Because I’m afraid I’ll mess it up and it won’t turn out how I want it to? I don’t know, exactly why. Because I’m a procrastinator extra-ordinairre, even with things that I enjoy doing? Because I don’t have the proper work space?

Oh, I want this house. Where I will have the proper space to set up an art room. I mean. Yes, I have an art room now. But it’s mostly a junk-collecting room, and my table is covered in Stuff that I have no other place for, and I don’t have a suitable chair. LOL. So many excuses. But some of them valid!

My goal today is to finish this entry, in less than 54 minutes because apparently only the one computer gives you 3 hours, the rest (or this one at least) only gives you the allotted hour (I’m at the library again), go to CVS and see if they sell gesso, and then go home and start (continue) working on this book. Especially since I only have 2 weeks to get it done!

Tonite I have an Arts Council meeting to go to. Haven’t been to one of them in a very long time. But it will good to get out and socialize with like-minded people. Last nite I went to my Wednesday Night Meditation group, and it was short cuz the leader had a dinner to get to, but it was good to just sit with others and be at peace for 20 minutes. Afterwards, JVM and I went across the street to the brew pub place and I had dinner- pulled prok sandwich with fries- and he had a beer. But it was nice to just hang out, even though we hang out almost on the daily in his shop. I go in to check up on him as often as possible, cuz he’s really struggling with depression right now. So I like to just go in and say Hi how ya doing before work or after work, depending on the day of the week.

I keep forgetting where I parked my car, and then I remember that I walked up town today, cuz it’s rather beautiful outside. LOL. I’m such an idiot.

I also have a book I need to finish- How to be Both by…Ali Smith, I think? The first half was really, really good. I’m having issues getting through the second half. Not because it’s not also good, but because it’s a change in gears from the first half and also because of that procrastination thing. Heh. But book club approacheth! Not sure when that is, either, but soon I think.

One of my Control Room Operators is out of work for at least 2 weeks. She was on the verge of getting fired for absenteeism, but now she has a valid dr’s excuse (she has to get her gall bladder out), so I don’t think I can fire her. I dunno til I go in tomorrow and discuss it with DD. I know I should probably go in to work today and try to figure out the schedule for the next two weeks, but I honestly don’t give a fuck. I’m on my holiday (I’m taking my labor day holiday today), so I will worry about it tomorrow. I will probably end up covering some shifts, if they pay me for it. Wee. I’m trying to not bring work home with me. Apparently it’s working! Go me!

Ok. Enough procrastinating. I am gonna log off and go see about this project!!

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