La Vie Enquête in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
- Nov. 3, 2016, 2:12 a.m.
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I stole this from a PB Friend. I would honestly give credit; but I feel like it would be inappropriate to advertise someone’s ‘Diary Space’ without their express permission.
1) Do you think kids or their parents are responsible for their beliefs?
A difficult concept to comment on from a non-parent. I’d like to believe it is a combination. I’ve known kids whose parents weren’t religious, and the kids found religion and celebrate it heavy. I’ve known kids whose parents were very religious, and the kids now hate religion. And as for “beliefs” on a wider scale… I think it is the whole of life. Parents, Community, Friends, Media, Genetics, Experience… all of that swirls together and creates a person.
2) What are your current plans for the future? Will you be upset if they don’t work out?
Honestly… I don’t even have “plans” per se. I have a nagging feeling that I need to extricate myself from this place. I have an ethical obligation to go somewhere that follows the Rule of Law and instructs attorneys. I have an emotional need to be around people. The only future plans I really have are: keep trying to get better and/or get out.
3) How do you react to absurd situations?
Depends on the situation. Usually in absurd situations, I feel rage, despair, helplessness, and incredulity all at once. So I may express any one of those feelings.
4) Do you think murderers deserve to die?
The truly awful thing about how I feel on this topic is that I have no answer. The Death Penalty as Deterrent only works if the individuals committing murder consider the consequences before committing their action. Research doesn’t often support that. However, there honestly are some violent criminals in the Justice System that will never be able to become Safe Law-Abiding citizens. I spoke with a Nebraska FBI man on the subject once and he was very convinced that, in some awful and rare cases, the continued existence of an individual is a threat to The People. However… the way in which the Death Penalty has been applied has long been disgraceful. Women on Death Row rarely get killed by the State… meanwhile, there are no such compunctions with Male convicts; but an unacceptable number of those men are minorities. The system has deep problems.
5) How much do you depend on technology?
So much so that if a Giant EMP were to mysteriously make technology extinct; I would go stark raving mad
6) Is it always worthwhile to hear both sides of an argument?
I love to hear both sides of an argument if each side can be delivered with intelligent articulation devoid of name calling, insults, or personal attacks. A painfully rare standard these days.
7) If someone is hypocritical, do you point it out?
Hypocrisy is a difficult subject for me. Lord knows, I’m not perfect. But inconsistencies bother me. For instance… The Board of Supervisors bitches about paying a County Attorney a fair wage… so they spend thousands of dollars to investigate what a fair wage would be… and when told what that fair wage would be, they still reject it. So… you have enough money to spend on investigating; but not enough to follow through?
8) Do you think it’s better to believe a lie than to live with an unpleasant truth?
A complicated and difficult scenario. I’m starting to wonder if Freedom isn’t Pain. Research consistently shows us that individuals with less knowledge are happier. There is something to be said about living a beautiful lie instead of a painful truth. Can’t honestly decide.
9) What’s your favorite art form?
I love art in such significant ways. Architecture is art and I love seeing how buildings mix aesthetic and practical design. I love paintings; a good exhibit energizes my mind. Sculpture speaks less to me and I’m not sure why. But why limit “art” to physical forms.... I melt around good singing, I pine over good dancing, and any good acting performance piece keeps my mind working for days.
10) If you could change your family, what would you change?
Difficult question in some respects. I would change my wife so that she could find happiness, fill her life with whatever it is she’s looking for, and be a more complete person. I would change my Sister In Law so that she could accept the difficulties of being a working mother. I’d change my Brother to retain his humor and strength but to be less of a flagrant judgmental ass.
11) How heavily do you depend on others when forming opinions?
Depends on the subject of the opinion. Typically, I will rely on my own experiences to form an opinion; but if that opinion is called out, I’ll investigate it to make sure that I didn’t miss something or that my limited personal experience didn’t lead me to an incorrect or offensive conclusion.
12) If you could have one conversation before you died, who would you talk to and what would you say?
Depends on circumstances. If I were to go home, fall into a deadly disease and have this conversation tomorrow… I would select my wife. I would tell her that it is important for her to know herself, to select a path and walk it. I’d tell her thank you for being my friend and companion. I’d encourage her to rely on her parents and my parents in the coming weeks as she had hard decisions and moves to make.
13) How much potential do you think you have?
Less and less with every passing week. Don’t get me wrong… I could still be pretty good at this lawyer thing… I could still be a not entirely shitty father… I could do well in Local Theater… but the longer it takes to get there, the less likely it is that it will ever happen.
14) Is it wise for humans to attempt to create life?
I adore how this question is worded. From one perspective… given the hellish state of things today, is it wise to have a baby.... we’re destroying our planet, turning against each other… it is a difficult question. That being said… one of the most endearing things about humanity is curiosity and exploration.
15) Talk about a favorite memory:
My wedding reception was pretty awesome!
16) What would you sacrifice for money?
The answer to this question was a lot more hypothetical before I moved to Tiny Town. Apparently, what I would sacrifice for money are as follows: My happiness, my comfort, my wife’s happiness, my wife’s comfort, my wife’s job, time with my friends, time with my family, my sanity, and all sense of who I am as an individual.
17) If you could bring someone back from the dead, would you? If so, who would it be?
I wish I could be altruistic and say Martin Luther King Jr (because we desperately need him back); but I have to be selfish here. I’d bring back my Dad’s Mom. I miss her dearly and really would have liked it if she could have met my wife or great-granddaughter
18) What do you think is the meaning of life?
Learn. Love. Live. And leave things better than how you found them.
19) Do you think the average person has the potential to be a hero?
I’d like to say it is in all of us; but I don’t think I believe that. Everyone is capable of great good and great evil. But evil is easier, it is more permissive, and it is more seductive… and I’d say less people these days are willing to do the hard work
20) If someone poor stole from someone rich, who would you sympathize with?
If we’re discussing sympathy, the individuals involved would become an important matter. One of my defendants who is poor because all of their money goes to meth and alcohol… I don’t care if they are stealing from Lex Luthor… they aren’t getting my sympathy.
21) How quickly do you form opinions about other people?
Depends on what I know about them at first. Just a name, no opinion. If it is a name I’ve seen before, opinion and hesitation. Defendant in court; quickly judge. Stranger in the world; slower to judge.
22) Would you kill someone if they planned to kill you?
Ambiguously worded. I’ve often considered the following scenario: If I was alerted to the fact that a Defendant was trying to kill me; no I would not try to kill them. When Psycho Ex tried to kill me; I did not try to kill her. But if it is a Heat of Passion Kill… they attack me with a knife and we struggle… then yes, I may kill them.
23) Are you flattered or annoyed by gentlemanly behavior?
As someone raised with Olde Rules, I can’t answer this question. And I’m talking OLDE… I still feel bad when I catch myself not walking street side next to a woman.
24) Do you think you belong in hell? Why or why not?
In too many ways, I live in a version of my own hell. Hell is hopelessness mixed with meaninglessness mixed with powerlessness mixed with the absence of ethics. This place fits that bill more and more.
25) Is perfection a good goal?
Only if you wish to be permanently unfulfilled… however, I’m fairly certain that (on some level) this is the goal of me and my father whether we like it or not.
26) Describe your family?
Deep in history and long in location; connected and diverse; troubled but loving
27) Do you think it’s wrong to use animals as attractions and accessories?
I do and I struggle with that viewpoint. I despise the treatment of animals in Circuses and every circus animal should get one free “rampage” against their handlers. As for Zoos, though, I’m so conflicted. Zoos offer an incredible opportunity for Children to comprehend the TRUE animal. Not many can travel all around the world to see Animals and how is a kid going to appreciate the plight of White Rhinos when his only interaction is via the same device that shows him Red Dragons. There is a real need for a place where humans can in some way interact with the wildlife of the world… I just wish it was a better place for that wildlife.
28) Do you think people should revolt if the government is corrupt?
I think revolt is an unnecessarily dramatic step for the United States or States (in my opinion.) Look at Up North County. If people were engaged with their government and understood what was happening; then corruption could be battled by someone opposing the incumbent. But in America today… we don’t educate ourselves before forming an opinion… and the incumbents win 80-90% of the time. A revolt isn’t necessary… but people seem more willing to support a revolt as opposed to Actually Working Towards a Less Corrupt System.
29) If you were stranded, would you be able to take care of yourself?
In most environments. It wouldn’t be fun, certainly, but years of Boy Scout work would at least pay off.
30) What would you be the god/goddess of?
Violent Justice
31) If you could start a new life in a new world, would you?
In a heartbeat. No clarification required.
32) What motivates you best?
Purpose and Meaning
33) Is it important to work for the greater good of the world?
So many people I know would debate this and it frustrates me. If we aren’t doing things that promote the greater good; then we are likely to destroy. Civilization, the planet… everything. Selfish behaviors can produce selfless results sometimes; but if everyone went around only caring about their own needs and nobody else’s… that would be such a painfully hollow world.
34) Would you kill your closest friend to save them from a worse fate?
This answer would depend on the method of killing. Would I poison my friend to keep them from burning to death… yes. Would I viciously stab them to death to keep them from turning into a zombie… probably not.
35) Does listening to other people’s problems help you or weigh you down?
All throughout High School and Junior High, I was the listener. Listened to everybody’s problems but had nowhere to go with my own. Which I think is a big reason why I come here so often and write here so much. I never really… had that… had that person that listens to your problems and helps you out.
36) How much do you judge others on physical appearance?
Actually, it is like a switch that I can turn on and off. If I’m feeling particularly gloomy, I’ll try to find something beautiful. If I’m feeling particularly fashion-needy, I’ll become Tim Gunn, lol.
37) Are you romantic?
I sure used to be. I hope one day I can be again.
38) What’s your best physical feature?
My wife says it is my eyes.
39) What is your most important possession?
My bed.
40) Have you ever done anything ridiculous for love? What?
Yeah, I drove 4 hours round trip just to deliver flowers to a girlfriend who was having a bad day.
41) Do you value uniqueness?
Who we are in our unique attributes is remarkably important and should be celebrated provided those unique attributes are not being used to discriminate, alienate, or ostracize individuals
42) Would you be willing to be in a relationship with someone who is very dominant?
Yes. Not domineering; but someone who could make their mind up, chose a course and plow the way… I could dig that
43) Is there anything you feel guilty about right now? What?
So many things. I feel guilty that I got myself and my wife in this situation. I feel guilty that I can’t prevent the board from being so corrupt and self-serving. I feel guilty that I’m so terrible at my job. And I feel guilty that I’m having such a hard time finding a new job.
44) Do you believe something has value simply because it’s beautiful?
Value yes. The world does honestly need beauty. However, I don’t think beauty should have priority which it too often seems to have.
45) How consistent are your feelings about people close to you?
My feelings remain consistent even should my communications with them become less common
46) If you died now, what would you want to happen to your possessions?
I would be comfortable knowing that my wife was responsible for all of my possessions. I would certainly hope that she wouldn’t throw away or donate all of my stuff (as she is NOT a “possessions” type of person) but I would hope that she had known me well enough to know what to give to who.
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