new hurr in Stuff
- Nov. 3, 2016, 10:44 p.m.
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Well I’m feeling much better after my ‘meltdown’ almost a week ago. I’m so glad no-one else has a mind exactly like mine. I want to go and exchange it sometimes.
Today after work, I went and got my haircut, which was much-needed. I guess it’s my equivalent (I just had to google how to spell that - DOH-Matt) of chicks getting their nails done, although if I could do that, I’d probably do that too, except that I wouldn’t dare because of gross fungal health issues with my big toenails (which I’ve been trying to treat unsuccessfully for years now), although I guess they would be used to seeing that, I guess. They might even offer their own treatment for them if they specialize in nails? No idea really.
Anyway, so the mop of Cousin-It hair has gone and I decided to redo my foils this time, since I didn’t last time because they were still noticeable. I was stunned when the hairdresser said that they were still noticeable, even this time! Although they were obviously lighter.
I had a different hairdresser than last time and she was wearing a cool multi-coloured chunky bead necklace that she said she got from the Eumundi markets. She had stunning blonde hair as well and I asked if she did her own hair colouring and she said no, she had it done. Haha.
I would have thought after that conversation that she would have offered me at least a ‘Woman’s Day’ magazine to read whilst waiting for my hair to lighten, but nope, she plopped down an issue of ‘Men’s Health’ and a copy of ‘Wheels’ (^rolls eyes^), as well as the newspaper. So I read the newspaper and then some of Men’s Health, since I am into that sort of stuff, and I was fascinated by some of the articles in there, such as the fast food industry has grown in Australia by 41.3% over the past year due to the prevalence of apps like ‘Deliveroo’, ‘Ubereats’, ‘Menulog’ and ‘Deliveryhero’. Crazy!
I guess I have used them a couple of times, even if they are very overpriced (Deliveroo and Menulog at least, I’m not sure about the others) but man they are convenient.
I was also loving that an article stated the health benefits of steamed food over fried (well, duh) but the example they used was instead of ordering deep-friend Indian samosas, to order steamed Chinese instead. Ha!
Pretty sure the MSG would be just as bad.
Anyway, it has been a better week. I was thankful for those three days off this week, even though I have three days off every week. I had to laugh that the news this morning was talking about how more and more Aussies are opting for the ‘4-day work week’ and here I am thinking, “I’ve been doing that for like 4 years now.” I really don’t miss full-time. I get frustrated that I don’t have enough time at work to get everything I want to done, but then I think to myself, “It’ll still be there tomorrow. Someone else can do it.” And yeah. It’s not the end of the world.
It’s actually been a horrid week at work, with stock levels out of control (you wouldn’t really know it looking at the store, but if you saw the stockroom, it’s quite hilarious’, but I haven’t been letting it get to me, like I was last week.
One of my workmates asked me yesterday what days I have off, and I replied, “Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays” and he was alarmed and then asked why I work every single weekend, and I was just like, “Cos I’m an idiot.”
He told me that I should have ‘a talk.’
I said that ‘Yeah, it totally sucks, but it’s not like I have a life anyway’ (which is true most of the time) and he goes, “You’d probably get a life if you had weekends off.”
Ha! Maybe. But maybe not. I can still go out on weekends, I just have to work the next day. And a good thing about it is it really does stop making me spend money, wheras I assume the 9-5 Monday-Friday’ers are throwing it away at the bar and nursing hangovers on Sundays. I know that was my life for a few years there.
You know, back when I wasn’t an ancient loser who can’t handle his booze like he could when he was a young whippersnapper (who came up with that word?).
Anyway, excuse my aging face haha. I’m only a month off my 33rd birthday, which tells me that if I am going to live to the ripe old age of 99/100, that I am almost a third of the day there. It is a little worrying that with each day that passes, that it means I am a day closer to that day where the grim-reaper beckons his finger at me, but since I am feeling much better than I was, I am not about to go all morbid and shit haha.
Anyway, here’s how my hair turned out. I wasn’t sure whether to smile ot not, so I took 2. I should have taken the photo when I was outside, but instead you get my boring bedroom wall background with my Paris posters in the background. They remind me how much fun I had there and that I need to return when terrorists decide to leave the fucking place alone.
Perpetually Plump ⋅ November 03, 2016
Definitely should have taken pix outside!
See if you can find a product called gentian violet to help with your toe fungal issue. It's bright freaking purple, but it works really well. My mom always used it when she'd get fungal nail infections or if we got ring worm.
KissOfLife! Perpetually Plump ⋅ November 03, 2016
Thanks for the tip!
.:A_Shadows_Exhale:. ⋅ November 04, 2016
This worked for my husband's toe nasty:
KissOfLife! .:A_Shadows_Exhale:. ⋅ November 04, 2016
Thanks! I'd never heard of that. 6 weeks sounds so much more appealing than 9 months with the medical stuff.
whowhatwhere ⋅ November 04, 2016
Lol everyone wants to cure your toe fungus. I've heard a really good Probiotic works.
KissOfLife! whowhatwhere ⋅ November 04, 2016
Haha yeah, It's gross but I'm thankful for the advice :)
kmh. ⋅ November 07, 2016
Loving the hair :)