Diabeetus in Everyday life

  • Dec. 13, 2013, 6:21 p.m.
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(Post title said in my best Wilford Brimley voice.)

I’m likely a diabetic. That’s what my doctor told me the other day after my checkup. It’s a new primary care, so he did the typical assortment of blood work. My blood sugar came up way high.

I was tempted to skip that appointment, too, because I’m not a fan of going to the doctor, specifically a new one. Glad I went.

It also may be caused by my new meds, which have diabetes as a side effect. My primary care tried to get in touch with my shrink after this happened … and shrink hasn’t returned calls, the doc’s or mine. Um, dude, I may have tested positive for a not-so-pleasant disease. Couldn’t you at least address this now? Even if we have an appointment next week? Am I asking for too much?

Even if it’s medication-induced, it’s a nice wakeup call for me. I’ve treated my body like shit for years, so this isn’t exactly a surprise. And it runs in the family (dad, dad’s sisters, some other folks).

So yeah, no more sugar binging for me. And watching the carbs. I’ve been good the first three days, I think, and I’m just trying to take it one day at a time.

I’m slightly nervous but also glad it was caught now, before I ruin my body totally.

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