...of lists in Lists
- Jan. 18, 2014, 3:06 p.m.
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- Public
Things I've lost interesting in:
- daily prayer at end of 750 words
- categories in OD entries (and at 750 words briefly)
- carrying a plastic bag to put picked up junk in
- daily walking at breaks and at home - Gracie walks
- daily OD entries
- daily PB entries
- stripey notebook - new version for 2014
- reading at breaks at work
Things I'm still interested in:
- sudokus
- writing at 750words
- frozen water bottles
Things I like giving up:
- sugar
- wheat
- gum
- pop
Things I'd like to try giving doing or giving up:
- meat?
- smoked meat - ham, brats
Things I did and then quit and would like to do again:
- daily walking
- daily OD
- daily PB
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bookbean ⋅ January 18, 2014
Yeesss give up meat. If you're thinking about it, you already know you should.
Start with just one meal a day, or try Meatless Monday.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ January 18, 2014
I think you're doing really well on lots of fronts. You just had a very hectic two months with a job search, two new jobs, christmas, etc. Hard to maintain habits when you go through all that change.
You might find new good habits fit your new job better.
Deleted user ⋅ February 13, 2014
What Northern Teacher said. Take it easy on yourself.