more interesting stuff. yes again. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
- Oct. 12, 2016, 7:49 a.m.
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so i’m a bit drunk. well i’ve been having a bit of a hard time spelling when i’m sober......although i get.more tune w/ things w/ emotions when i’m drunk. it’s like the emotios of people are closer. idk how much sense that made. emotions*.
uh anyway. yes right interesting things. so on Sun. the 9th [since i failed to blog about the wkly. events last night.damnit] i.well like i said my mom picked me up at 9 on sun.and we. ended up going to Wal Mart cause she was looking for, as i call it, a ‘ufo sound machine./sound thing’ for travel. it’s a machine dude that makes noise. er. ok so it’s like er. it’s the same concept as a cd but instead of songs it has sounds on it. like maybe the forest or the ocean or whales. yeah one of those. Sometimes they have them in psych. or outside of psych.offices. They’re small and round and have a cord that you plug in. she had one yrs. ago but it. doesn’t work as well as it used to so.
so she asked the a lady wal mart.and they only had them online. so then.we went to the watch section cause she wants a new watch band. hers is velcro but it’s a hard velcro. she didn’t get a new she hasn’t gotten a new one as of yet. and then we left. the good thing about shopping w/ my mom and i mean for practical items ad she’s a practical person is that it doesn’t take 2 - 4 hrs. if i’m shopping by myself and mainly groceries it’s fine cause then i can take however much time i want. but when shopping w/ other people sometimes it takes longer than i want it to. like w/ my sister.or valerie. anyway.
oh so when we got to the watch section there wasn’t an assistant. oh now that we need one now there isn’t one. for a bit. oh that’s convenient. #SOML. [btw that means story of my life for those who don’t know. took me a bit to understand it too]. so the watch lady came Kat. and my mom goes are you the watch lady to which the watch lady goes no i’m a figment of your imagination she wasn’t being sarcastic. and my mom could be. i was tired i’m by no means a morning person so things didn’t seem quite real then.
So then we went to my mom’s.oh on the way my mom called my sister about the pickup time for the show.for ‘cabaret’. see most of the time when we go see shows my mom i have my dad take us. but my sister took us. my mom has one of those new iphone thingys. well she’s had it for about a yr now. so i was trying on the damn touch screen to get my sister’s cell from the contacts list. those touch screens are way too sensitive. i’d considered using my pen but as it’s my mom’s phone.......i didn’t want her to be put out by the fact i was using a pen to help me navigate the damn touch screen. so i touched it w/ my nails. as you can tell i don’t like them. tough screens that is although i also don’t like long nails er as in fingernails. um anyway the pickup time thing worked out.
so we got to my mom’s by 10:40 or before.i went to Whole Foods. I wanted breakfast and it was a bit early for a cookie/brownie which is what I usually get there. and so i looked around. and they had sourdough rolls for less than $1. and that made me happy cause sourdough is awesome. omygod. i didn’t realise how hard rolls are untill i got one and bit into it and oh.i also don’t have rolls a lot so. i had sourdough and bottled chai for breakfast it was so good. the sourdough that is. but also the entirety of what i had for breakfast was good. i ate outside by whole foods.
fast forward to the show. well actually before the show. so my sister dropped us off by these.well she was going to park in the um parking garage but there was a line of cars and we didn’t want to wait. So we walked across the lawn. where the big thin white statues are. it’s in front of as i call it ‘the theatre district’.downtown.[well near downtown.denver. as when i say ‘downtown’ i mean 16th st. for those familiar. it’s funny that that only consists of 1 street]. So we walked to the doors. I saw some to the left that didn’t have a line in front of them and I informed my mom of that. we didn’t go in those ones. sometimes i need to be more clear........about........things. so. yeah show was good.
um so after the show my dad came and picked us up and took us to my mom’s. where my mom had a short dinner. and went to as she calls it practice. for choir. yep. that’s the difference between an artist and an athlete is an athlete calls it practice or half time. whereas an artist doesn’t. although.a person can be both. it was cold when we got out of the show i didn’t think it would be.but then i’m ‘always’ cold so. er i mean it was cold outside.
Mon. uh.............oh valerie & I got together. but before that happened um. so on our way back my mom stopped in Home Depot to use the ladies’ rm. and then we went to the house er my house. [ok so it’s again not actually technically ‘my’ house]. for the meeting. and the meeting was ok.
valerie & i got together 4 - 7 that day.
oh so last night I went to the Home Depot area. last night was...........Tues. night yes that’s right. i’m all off here bc my schedule’s changed. um so I left 2 notes for the lady 1 telling her where I was going when i’d left and that I had my phone and the 2nd.asking when she wanted to leave tom. [which isnow today. and when she wanted to leave for the store]. well right after i’d put the notes where i leave.notes she came into the room and i’m like ‘i left you notes. you can read them i just.didn’t know where you were’ or something. and that was when i found out about the dental appt. schedule change thingy.
I was going to go to the Home Depot area at like 5:10 but then she told me dinner was in 30 mins. and i figured um. it would take me longer to get there then it would to wait for dinner so.and also it gave me more time to charge my phone.
so I got to the Home Depot area ok everything was fine nothing happened. i was warmer then I thought I’d be cause I didn’t factor in that i’d be, you know, walking.there i didn’t pay much attention to it. i.went to the Starbucks at albertson’s to ask them something. i’ll never say ‘can i ask you a question?’ [well i do’t know can you? you’re the one w/ the ability to ask not me but damn] i’ll always er ‘announce’ ‘i have a question’. yeah i did this to my mom the other day and she said well i have an answer and for some reason it was the funniest damn thing at the time. um but anyway]. and i found the customer service place which i didn’t think they had there. it’s as’s er. ok so it blends into its surroundings in other words. and no one was there.
and then.I went to. the liquor store where i got which i mean alcohol 4. i got this .99 banana liquor and this .99 cherry liquor i like the banana one better. and 2 shoots of fireball.the nice lady wasn’t working er i mean the lady wasn’t working there at that time. the guys were they’re nice. [well i don’t know them other than from there but far they all seem nice]. so I went back to albertson’s got some stuff and then i Home Depot. i also.found out that the liquor store is open till 11 p.m.
oh so dispensers. well i’m having ok so I’m on my period atm. and I didn’t have extra supplies in my um purse. well luckily they have them like they have a dispenser for them in the ladies’ rm. well unluckily as i found out when I tried it.wasn’t working. I’d put my money in the thingy and nothing else would come out but the money. but luckily.i have extra stuff at ‘my’ house so. damnit. no of course it’s not working when i need it too. everything turned out ok and i did what needed to be done. well when I was at albertson’s going back to that I found out they have one of those phone charging station things in their seating area. they have those at Whole Foods too. i did not charge my phone there. i only charge my phone when it needs to be charged not.before. backup to last wk. so last wk. well here’s the other thing that happened. so i’m sitting there at Whole Foods ...........drinking my chai when a short [she was maybe 4 ft. 4‘10. i’m 5‘4 so] japanese lady is she’s walking. [well she might’ve been i mean asian other than japanese] and I notice her cause she’s just so damn happy. omygod. it’s like ‘la la la here i am enjoying my day’. this was after she’d purchased her items. who gets that happy over groceries? well unless i got something super awesome like sourdough. it was great omygod.
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