Blame it on the boogie in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 8, 2014, 8:45 p.m.
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I prefer to blame it on the ice cream, however.

The Child had a dental appointment today to get two fillings. To say I am stressed is a major understatement. Of course it went fine. She was in and out in 30 minutes. It will be days before I will be fine again, however. I knew I should have bought some hard liquor instead of the ice cream last night!

I started my day out winning "Worst Mother of the Year" awards left and right. The major one was having forgot to make sure her antibiotic prescription was called in so that I could give it to her before her appointment this afternoon. So as soon as the office opened I was blowing up their phones to make sure it was called in so that I could pick it up & have it ready for her after school. Now granted, it's not like I remembered it as we were leaving for the appointment thus having to cancel it. I remembered it well enough in advance that no harm was done. But the fact that I forgot is enough to cause my anxiety to go up a notch. Of all the things in the world, that is one thing I should never, ever, EVER forget!! NEVER!

So then she is wanting some meds for her allergies that were in overdrive. (I tried to tell her if she missed a Zyrtec dose, this is what would happen. Now she is miserable and she is suffering and she is suffering the knowledge that mom was right. Anyway, I'm going through my cabinet & I have nothing to give her for her pounding head. Nothing to dry her up. All I have is Vick's so I rub some on her chest & run a small swipe under her nose and sent her off to school. So while I am at Walmart picking up her antibiotic, I run over to the isle to get her something to help her allergies out.

Duh! Are you serious, Sassy? Are you serious? I had at least 3 of the different remedies in my cabinet but for some reason this morning my brain just wouldn't compute that I could/should give it to her. I keep a ready supply of Benadryl on hand for exactly this reason!! Every time she starts sneezing I'm all, "Here! Take this Benadryl before your allergies get out of control!" (If she gets too stuffy it backs up into her ears & gives her ear infections) But this morning, I grabbed the bottle and set it off to the side. Way to go, Mama Sassy! Make your child suffer all day long why don't you! Ugh!

So then I'm on my way home from picking up the antibiotic & my mother calls. She picked the exact moment that the tornado siren drill went off. So I silenced the call and waited till it was over to call her back. I should have known better. (Kris, skip this part ... lol) She wanted to bitch at me for sending her a book that had cuss words in it. Although, it is a good story so far, but for the fact of the cuss words, it ruined it for her and now she can't even let her sister's read the book. Are you kidding me? And she was all, "I can't believe a company would print a book with words like that in them!" So I replied with, "Well if companies can print out Play Girl magazines and erotic novels, why wouldn't they print out cheesy romance novels with a few cuss words in them?" (I only mentioned Play Girl because she used to have them mailed to her when I was growing up.) No comment from her about that. So then, to just get her off the subject, I ended up telling her, "Throw the book in the fucking trash then and you won't have to worry about it fouling up your house. I was only trying to be nice & send it to you because I was proud of it. But, by all means, burn it, bury it, what ever, I don't give a shit. I'm sorry I wasted the money on you." That shut her up.

(Okay, you can start reading again Kris ... lol) So during my phone call with my Mother, Hubby is trying to call me. When I hang up with her, I call him back only to have to listen to him bitch about his boss. sigh So I did the obligatory wifely duty of "You're the Man Baby!" shit to pacify him & get him off the phone. But, BUT, while I am talking with him, I get a text message. Seriously? My phones have been non-stop now for 2 days. Leave me alone, People!!!!!!

So I get home & I look at the text message.

I don't know what the hell was in that ice cream last night, but I want no part of it ever again!!!

It was fuckin' Tami, my boss, wanting to know if I could come in and work 12 - 3 tomorrow afternoon.

So I called Hubby back and told him about the text because he had planned to take tomorrow afternoon off from work, why I don't know. He said it was so we could spend some time together. I reminded him that he would be done with me in 10 minutes and then would want to have nothing else to do with me for the rest of the day so why bother. He can get that accomplished on his lunch break and won't even have to look at me afterwards when he goes back to work. Staying home he runs the risk of having to lay eyes on me. So anyway, I told him I would do it for 1) It's an extra 3 hours on the pay check (Woo-hoo! I'll be rich for sure now with that extra 3 hours!) and 2) I don't want to give them any kind of ammunition against me, even if it is only turning down a 3 hour work day. So I am working.

I sent Tami a text back saying I would do it. (I'm guessing they have a meeting with the lawyer about the murder trial that should soon be starting up. That's the only reason both Tami & Joleen would be gone at the same time.) She then sends me a thank you text back and includes this message in the text: "And Shelia will work for u Feb 1 for your birthday ... :)"

Dafuq? Has my life now been turned into a Stargate: SG1 or Dr. Who episode? I don't remember stepping through a Stargate or Phone Box but who knows what the hell was in that ice cream last night! The rest went in the trash!

Y'all, they are fixing to kill me or something. Why else would they be doing complete 180ยบ's? Four days ago I was told I was too old to celebrate my birthday and if I wanted it off I would have to ask someone to switch with me. Now Shelia has graciously switched with me? Switched with me when I had nothing for her to blackmail me into giving her? Switched with me without blackmailing me? Switched with me without ME asking her to switch? Yeah, I am so dead. They will be searching for years to come for all my body parts when they get done with me. Especially since that now means that I am now getting every OTHER Friday/Saturday off between now and the end of February (if I stay that long). Which has been the 2nd major obstacle I have been fighting over with them.

Oh my nerves. My poor, poor nerves. Maybe if I had had more than 7 hours of sleep since Sunday afternoon I might be able to handle all this better. But not today. Basketcase does not even begin to cover it. And I know there will be no sleep forthcoming tonight. I don't sleep for days after a dental appointment. I can't sleep. I have to stay vigilant. I have to protect my daughter. I failed her once. I can't ever do that to her again.

Since most of you readers are new to me, you are probably scratching your head, wondering, "what the hell is she babbling on about now?" I won't bore you with the details here. It is too long to copy and paste and I'm sure you have better things to do like pick out what color underwear you will be wearing tomorrow. If you want to know, you can go here to read all about it. If you don't read, that is fine too. All I will say here about it is that it was one of the most horrible, traumatic experiences of my adult life that I will never fully recover from. I will warn you that it is very emotional. It is all me, all raw. Oh, and I did include pictures with it also.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go take a long, burning hot, bubble bath and cry my day away.

Till next time ....

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