The week in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • Oct. 8, 2016, 11:33 a.m.
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Tuesday, 4 Oct-myself and two other board members were at the WS as the buses arrived with our employees and a couple of the staff who drive the buses. No drama. Busy morning and we didn’t have the staff meeting until 10. One of the staff who was very close to the GM didn’t say much but then made some helpful suggestions by the end of the meeting. All but the one seemed relieved that the WS “was going in a new direction”.

Tuesday evening-fish fry it was good. And after Dad and cousin left, I told sister and brother that I needed help. Each will take him to an appointment this month and I’ll take him to pick up his new hearing aids.

Wed, 5 Oct-I went no where except to dad’s a couple of times. My cousins wife came to pick him up and was amazed at the progress he’s made while at dads. Actually it was good for both of them.

Thurs, 6 Oct-went back to the WS at noon to help get the stuff ready for this weekend’s yardsale. Didn’t leave until 6 that night and was totally exhausted. Took a prescription Ibprophen and maybe shouldn’t have.

Fri, 7 Oct-got the ultra sound test done. By the advice the techs were giving me as we were talking and they were asking questions, I think it is my gallbladder giving me this pain. I should find out on Monday or Tuesday what the test result revealed, if anything.

Fri at 11am-arrived at the WS to help with the yardsale. It wasn’t terribly busy but we made over $1200 yesterday and we’re just taking donations. Some “donations” are shameful but others make up for it. Thankfully!

Will go over soon but need to call a place in hometown to see if they need any items that we don’t sell today. I am doing laundry this morning.

A turns 36 today!! Can’t believe it has been 36 years already!

Temperature this morning is 43 degrees. Brrrrr. Not a freeze or frost yet, but it is coming soon.

Installed the new Microsoft Office 365 on both this laptop and the Nextbook. Uninstalled the old program from this laptop this morning and hopefully in the next few days I can get Outlook setup and working. So far, not happened.

Thinking and praying for all those affected by the forces of nature and was glad to see an update from a couple of my favs that they have weathered it so far.

Take care and God Bless

Last updated October 08, 2016

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