Happiness in A new era

  • July 24, 2016, 3:17 p.m.
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My bestie was home from London this weekend. She moved down there about 9 years ago for work, but she’s a friend I’ve grown up with, been friends for 29 of our 31 years.

We went for brunch, and halfway through she blurted out she’d been dating a girl for the last few months.

I’m not sure what reaction she was expecting but she got exactly the same reaction as if she had been hiding a boy for the last few months. We’re thrilled, she seems happier than she’s ever seemed, and I’m so glad she felt she could share this news with us.

They seem to have a connection, lots in common, and shes cute judging by the photo she showed us. It’s amazing to see her so happy, she actively sought out a girl using online dating after having pursued boys for a long time. It makes me kinda sad that maybe this is something that she’s been going through that she hasn’t really shared with us, but you know what, she’s processed it and done something that makes her really happy.

Happier than I’ve ever seen her when she’s talked about dating a guy.

It came as quite the shock, she’s only ever talked about guys, dating them, pursuing them etc, but you know what, seeing the photo of this girl, and hearing the way she talks about her, it makes perfect sense. I think they might be meant to be together.

It’s always good fun catching up with my girl friends, especially as it seems like the opportunities are few and far between sometimes, but it’s even sweeter when one of them has such incredible news.

I love my friends to bits, I don’t know where I’d be without them. They are without a doubt the family I wish I could have, they’ve supported me through some really rough times, they were my shoulder when mum had cancer and I was a single pringle, they were the glue that held me together. The texts, the calls, the turning up on the doorstep with wine. All I wish for each of them is happiness, its lovely to see that happening.


Camdengirl July 24, 2016

Oh that's lovely!

Glitter and Trauma Camdengirl ⋅ July 24, 2016

It's so lovely to see her this happy. Xx

TrippyNina July 24, 2016

This entry made me smile. :)

Glitter and Trauma TrippyNina ⋅ July 24, 2016

I'm just thrilled she's so happy! Xx

BlueEyes418 July 24, 2016

That's sweet that your friend met someone lovely who makes her happy. My very first boyfriend turned out to be homosexual. He wasn't sure at 14, but once he became more in tune with who he is as a person he started dating his now husband. I'd never seen him so happy as he was when he told me about Victor. It felt good to see him so happy.

Glitter and Trauma BlueEyes418 ⋅ July 24, 2016

Exactly the same, she's so happy, and like I said to the boyf, she's my oldest and bestest and all I ever want for my friends is happiness. Xx

nothispenelope July 25, 2016


I need tea. July 25, 2016

:) lovely x

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