Just give me a reason in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 6, 2014, 10:40 a.m.
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I'm pretty sure that work has given me a damn good reason to tell them to take this job and shove it!

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Starting tomorrow I have only 2 days for this next weeks schedule. Bullshit. Tami & I just talked about that yesterday morning (Saturday). I told her I need a minimum of 3 days per week. I told her it was not fair that she gives Shelia 5 days from her original 4 when I asked for 4 days but was told there wasn't any way to give me 1 extra day a week. But yet she can find it for Shelia??? Or is that why she can't find it for me? Because she is playing favorites and giving it to Shelia? She originally had me working on the 21st & I told her that would give me only 2 days that week so she changed it to the 14th. But what about this upcoming week? Bitch. So when she comes in I will tell her to change the 10th to me working it so that I can get 3 days this week. If she doesn't agree I will tell her to give my 2 days to Shelia then because I won't be coming back.

I haven't heard back from the Lady from the other hotel since she called me last Sunday saying she would need to reschedule our interview. When I get home from taking The Child to school this morning, I will call her & see if I can get the interview scheduled for today. I've got to get out of here with my dignity still intact. If I can leave with another job signed for, the better. But yeah, this isn't right.

It would be one thing if I was anything other than a model employee. I've never been late to work. Not even 2 minutes. I've never called in sick. I've asked for a total of 3 days off in the 7 months I've been here. I have came in every time I was called in. I even went 24 hours without sleep to cover for Shelia when she was sick a few weeks ago. I've stayed over when my relief was late coming in. When we were short staffed, I was the first person to step up to the plate to make sure shifts were covered. When other employees asked me to trade shifts with them, I agreed right away. My drawer has never been short. Not even 1 penny. I've never had one guest complaint against me. In fact, the owner Bill, the old manager Rachel, hell even Bill's own mother, Joleen, has received nothing but good comments about me from the guests. Even Joleen at one time, wanted ME to be the manager. So, to be punished this way, with no obvious reason, is baffling. I could understand if I was a bad employee. But I'm not. So why??

I wish I could just tell them to take this job and shove it at 7am ... a job to fall back on be damned. I've pretty much talked myself into NOT giving a 2 week notice at this point. I'll live with my conscious for that repercussion. Two wrongs don't make a right but I have my dignity, my self respect and I'm a firm believer in "Do unto others as though you would have them do unto you." Treat me like crap? Especially when I've done nothing to warrant being treated like crap. Why in the hell should I give you any consideration? I can be the better person, I AM the better person. But I also know when I am not wanted and I'm not going to beg. So your actions against me warrant me treating you in the same manner - you don't deserve a 2 week notice from me.

Funny story - when discussing the schedule with Tami yesterday morning, I mentioned that I would like to have my birthday off. She asked when it was. I told her. She said, "After 21 adults stop celebrating birthdays." I replied with, "True. But my daughter still likes to make a big deal out of them for me." So her final reply was, "You can celebrate it another time when you are off. Or you can ask someone to switch with you." So I just walked away with this final comment, "Well since there is no one to ask to switch with me ... " And of course she has me scheduled to work it.

Gah! Why couldn't I have been born rich instead of beautiful? LOL Where is a winning lottery ticket when you need one?

Till next time ....

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