A Whole New Look? in The Past

  • Dec. 25, 2016, 11:10 a.m.
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This is the first time that I’ve been back on this site in quite a while… wow. It’s like a whole new place. I think I like it.

It’s Christmas Eve and I’m at Nate’s house… He and Alex are getting the shopping done, braving the outside world in order to get all the stuff that we need for dinner tonight and for snacking tomorrow. It seems that neither one of our families are really into the whole holiday thing right now. I’ve been feeling down about mine and Nate’s relationship and that’s been putting some stress between us. We finally got that sorted out last night, at least enough that we’re in as good place again… it boiled down to neither one of us wanting to tell the other that we’re not happy or are stressed, because we don’t want the other to get upset and stressed. Yeah, it doesn’t work very well, but we had a decently long talk last night and things are better.

On top of relationship issues, both his Mom and my Mom haven’t been feeling well lately – His mom apparently has some sort of stone in her lymph node. And my mom’s COPD got the better of her last night – spent almost 8 hours in the ER last night. >.< Not fun. So all in all, we’re both kind of blah.

2016 is almost over. I’m just glad that we’ll be able to put this year behind us soon, and hopefully next month and next year will be a lot better.

Last updated March 04, 2019

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