7/13/16 in 750 Words

  • July 13, 2016, 6:20 p.m.
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Slacker! Total Slacker!

Things have been busy - and I’ve been neglecting you -le sigh- I’m so bad.

Pat’s chemo is going good… he’s going for the third treatment for his cancer today. His mom is driving him and Milo over, but my mom’s picking them up and taking them out for lunch. Pat’ll be fine today most likely, that’s how he normally is, and probably start feeling icky Friday. Poor Milo, she just got out of the hospital and now she’s going to be babying him.

Maili ended up having issues with nausea and light-headedness and the like again… and they FINALLY were able to diagnose her – Panceaititus or however you spell it. She spent the better part of a week in the hospital - from the 5th through the 10th. She’s back out and doing good again, but is kind of bummed that she has to give up all drinking, instead of just cutting back like she thought she could get away with.

Pokémon Go came out the same time she was in the hospital, and I think that the game was the only thing that kept Pat sane during those days – He spent most of his time walking around the little area that they were in, and walking around the hospital to find Pokémon. Apparently there were a couple other people who were playing too, and the hospital is a Gym, so they fought over dominance of the Gym. He’s doing a lot better on Pokémon Go than I am right now, but I’m getting better, I’ll be getting some awesome Pokémon. :) The thing is, I have rules that I follow when it comes to the game, stuff that keeps me from getting fired and/or ran over by cars.

It’s kind of scary how few people seem to have the smallest lick of common sense. There’s people getting the cops called on them because they’re prowling around housing areas at night, people who are getting trapped in construction areas, and people falling into ponds and the like. -shakes her head- I can’t believe it. I don’t play Pokémon when I drive (which people are doing >.<), I don’t play it at work, and I don’t wander around in unsafe places, no matter how tempting that Pikachu is. I’ve been taking walks to and from the park, and hanging around there in the evenings, so I can catch stuff. The park has 4 Pokestops in it, so it’s a good place to wander around, and there’s usually a dozen or so people there.

I’ve started seeing a Nutritionist. We only have 3 free (Insurance paid) sessions, and then I get to pay for all my sessions. I don’t mind that, it’s like, 100.00 a session and I’ve learned a lot so far. In fact, I’m down 20 pounds in 3 weeks. The therapist was kind of worried about that, until I told her that I’ve not done anything that I didn’t like – I’ve cut down on chips, candies, and the like. I’ve started drinking more water. And I’ve been eating fruits and veggies for snacks instead of hitting the snack machines. I’ve also been working at giving up “free” sweets… so all those donuts and cookies and cupcakes (Oh god, the cupcakes…) that people bring into the lunch room to share… I can’t have them. But I can nom the free fruits and veggies. Not as much fun, buuuuut, it’s still good.

I need to keep a food diary now, and now that I’m having to write everything down, I’m more conscious of what I’m eating, if only because I don’t want to look at it and say “ewwww, such a piggy!” Not that she lets me think that way… we’re doing baby steps to make it so that I eat healthier and with more mindfulness.

Like this morning… Breakfast was a whole wheat English muffin, with peanut butter (I won’t give up my Jif!) and sliced banana on top. One muffin and I was feeling happy. This was at around 6:30, so I’m just now beginning to get a little hungry. I’m wanting to finish my tea that mom bought me from Starbucks (Shaken black tea, no water, only 2 pumps classic, 30ozs), and then I’ll break into my lunch box for my nut mix and a half of an apple. Protein and carbs, that’s what I’m supposed to eat at lunch, and my carbs are to stay between 15 and 20 for each snack. Last night I ended up getting a yogurt (18 carbs) and a little bit of oats mixed in (4 carbs) so I went a little over, but it’s still a lot better than what I would have done a few weeks ago, which would have been 2 yogurts, no oats or granola or anything. So I’m learning.

Baby steps.

Oh! 4th of July weekend was great. :) I kidnapped Bob and kept him in my garage for 3 days. :) We crafted, gamed, ate healthy snacks, and just had a good time.

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