All talk in A new era

  • July 7, 2016, 3:52 p.m.
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Do you ever feel like you’re fighting a losing battle? I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve realised it really doesn’t matter what joey says to me about things changing, nothing will if he doesn’t even acknowledge there’s a problem to be fixed. It really is just lip service to try to get me back on side.

Things are frosty to say the least. We’re barely talking. I don’t know what to do. This isn’t for me to fix, and he’s making no effort to fix things, despite saying he wants to.

I just feel like it’s lose lose for me. Either he does what he wants, knowing it upsets me, and I say nothing and just settle, or he does what he wants, knowing it upsets me, I say something, we fight, nothing gets fixed. Either way, he does what he wants, I’m upset, and nothing is different. Somehow he can’t see that doing something different to what he’s doing now is the solution.

I genuinely have no idea what my next move is. I just know I’m so unhappy right now the way things are, and I can’t see a way out of it.

It’s worse because he’s such a good guy when he’s not being an idiot. Things can be so amazing between us, when they’re good, they’re so good. It just makes what’s happening right now even more painful.


Last updated July 08, 2016

hot-lips July 08, 2016

Sorry to hear things aren't going well. I don't usually suggest taking a break as it just postpones any problems. But would you consider a bit of a time out? Maybe give you both time to think of what you want and next steps. Maybe Joey can use the time to realise his actions are making you unhappy. Hope things get sorted. x

NeonLady July 08, 2016

I'm sorry, that's a very tough position to be in. :(

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