The day after... in Talk Story

  • July 3, 2016, 10:58 a.m.
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My thoughts last night after the last guest left:

The party was a lot of fun… and is now over…

And I’m tired… much more work setting up/taking stuff down than I remembered from the previous years…

Though several people did stay and help me clean up and put chairs and tables away…

I know my guests had a good time… because most of them said to me as they left: “you are going to invite us again next year… right !”…

The dishes that people brought to share… were both creative… and plentiful… though not a lot of left overs…

Several bottles of nice wine were opened and shared as well…

As I look back on yesterday’s get-together… I am once again reminded of just how fortunate I am… to have such nice friends…

I hope that you are enjoying this weekend… and that you enjoy the 4th as well…

Me ka pumehana…

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