Nice walk in Stuff

  • June 20, 2016, 11:25 a.m.
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I’m a terrible drinker. This wine I like is only 7.5% booze and most nights lately I only have the one glass, but I certainly feel a bit woozy afterwards. Terrible Aussie reputation I have going on here.

I went for a nice walk today, just around the city here. I took a few nice photos also but they are on my new phone, on which the credit has just run out on, and my sim card from my old phone doesn’t fit the new phone, and I’m going to try out another phone company but I’m still waiting for the sim card to arrive in the mail. So yeah, no photos :( I might be able to transfer them via a USB cord but meh, my excuse is that I’m boozed-up right now and am therefore lazy :)

The rain last night was pretty intense. We had about 120mm all up I think, but no real issues. I can’t believe how much Mooloolaba got hit though. There are roofs off of houses up there.

Last week was a pretty shit work week, so I’m just glad to be on a few days off now, doing nothing really. The worst part about having early weekdays off every week is no-one can really go out anywhere with me, hence the lone walk today, which was nice.

kmh. June 20, 2016

I don't think it's such a bad thing to be a 'terrible drinker' in that sense! Alcoholism is bad, mmmkay? lol.
120ml of rain, far out. I haven't caught up with the news so I didn't know that about Mooloolaba :-(

colojojo June 21, 2016

I blame age for booze handling. Even in my mid 20s, I already can't handle alcohol like I could a couple years ago :p

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