6/14/16 in 750 Words

  • June 14, 2016, 8:55 a.m.
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I’ve been busy lately. Well, as long as lately includes just last night and this morning :)

I made some more perler designs last night with my mini beads. I’m excited to get started on figuring out what to do with them. I’m also excited to start working on building my own designs. I made a Cthulu design last night… took the parts I liked out of two or three different designs, sized it down for earring size, and came out with something that i like. Even if it does look a little squiddy for my taste. I’m going to make the pattern this morning - record it bead by bead in paint so that I can replicate it if I need/want to. I think Jen or Heeri are going to get the first set of Elder God hair barrettes from me. They’ll love them.

I also started working a little bit on buttons again, not too much, because I have a shit-ton to do there.

This morning I double checked the list of events that I’ve been watching – applied for KumoriCon and a couple other ones that just opened up. I also looked up a couple programs that are used to turn pictures into perler patterns. I’ll play with those later. I started messing with the button making program to make some buttons for a friend at work - I think I’m going to end up taking apart his logo, saving the words separately from the pictures, so I can make the buttons look better. That way on Friday I’ll have a couple different designs of each for the customer to look through to find the ones that he thinks will look the best.

I still need to make it down to Capital Eclectic Merchants to restock their buttons. >.< I might ask Mom to swing me by there tomorrow after work, that’ll give me tonight to work on putting together a selection of buttons for them.

Lets see, what else do I have to do? I have to bathe two guinea pigs tonight when I get home. that’ll be fun. I avoided it yesterday because it was too cool in the house for them. But it isn’t heating up any right now, and they need cleaned with a nail trim. I’ll just have to use extra fluffy towels to dry them, and let them curl up in the blanket when they’re done.

I’m trying to figure out what else is going on… work’s hitting the busy part of the month – I have a little payroll left, as well as vanpool payments to process, and today is consignment day too. Luckily I’ve been smart and cut consignment day up into two days, so I’ll be able to hopefully get everything done. I’m not too worried about it, it’ll get done by the end of the week, but the hard part is juggling things for this one week or so. It seems like everything’s due about the same time of the month. Granted, Consignments don’t have to be out till next week, but Carol squawks if anything happens to delay them beyond the length of time she thinks they should be out. And I like having the extra time to pad, especially since Raven’s new to the job and takes a little longer to do everything.

Oh! I need to remember to check on my gwennie bee page. I started a subscription there, got my three pieces of clothing to start with, and fell in love with the shirt they sent me. I’m going to wear it to work today to double check that I like wearing it, and if I do, I’m buying that thing. The other two were kind of “meh” at best. Which is fine. I’m not sure what I think of the site, and the idea of the subscription clothing rental thing. I guess the next box will help me figure it out. :) But if I can get a couple shirts that I like while I’m trying it out, I’ll be happy.

I’m still not too happy with spending the money on the subscription, and then having to buy the clothing, but considering the cost of nice clothes for a gal my size… yeaaah, I think I’m still going to be saving money in the long run, AND improving and adding to my work / going out clothes.

That reminds me, I still need to find something to wear to the Sounders game on the 25th, and I need to pay Ben the money on Friday. And figure out transportation and the like. Ick. If it wasn’t the fact that I adore Ben and want to hang with him and meet his friends, I’d bow out. I’m a such sucker for a snarky face.

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