Arghhh slow it down please in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.
- June 11, 2016, 1:03 p.m.
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It seems like when things start happening it becomes a snowball going down hill after a wet snow. It gets bigger and bigger.
Dad has been having issues with either dreaming or something and it is scary to say the least. He isn’t “feeling” bad, but swears things have happened that haven’t. Like thinking me and my sister had been at his house on Wednesday “going in and out all day”. He messed up every single TV he uses which is 3 of them and I went to his house on Wed afternoon to try and get them set back up. It was his LR TV that was on the wrong input again so he couldn’t get his DISH reception. Got that figured out after I found his TV remote cause you can’t fix it without the TV remote, yet he can get it OFF without the TV remote. He had the remotes switched around and that was also part of the problem and then began to tell me a “story” which he was sure happened when I went to work on the TV issue again on Thursday. His “illusions” are so off the wall but the saddest and scariest part is they are ALWAYS bad. This one goes a bit like this: He was outside Wed evening and was working around the tractor. He somehow fell head first under the tractor. He “said” that my brother and his wife were sitting in their car and when he called out for them to help him get up, they wouldn’t help him. He said he figured he’d have to try and get up on his own, which he did, and walked over to where my brother was sitting in the back seat of said car and SIL was in the front seat of said car and asked him what was going on and why he wouldn’t help him. He said brother would answer him. SOooo now he is thinking that brother and SIL are “out to get him” and that he should probably just sign over the whole farm to me cause he knows I’d do right by everyone. YOU SEE how heartbreaking this is? My brother would NEVER refuse to help our Dad, NEVER. in a situation like described. I let Dad talk and told him maybe he had dreamed it as for “falling head first under the tractor” he didn’t have any scrapes or anything injury related on his forehead or face and that taking a headlong fall would cause injuries of some kind. WOW! THAT made his mad and he told me he had bruises all over his chest and arms, and if he took his clothes off I could see them, but he wasn’t going to take anything off. Then he proceeded to say “yeah, I’ve read and seen TV shows about adult kids trying to make their parents think they’re nuts and then take everything from them” or words to that effect or affect. Whichever it is devastating when he thinks and says these kind of things. He is always assuming when he is a bit “off” that everyone is out to get him. Even us kids. Long story short, I updated brother (he has worked out of town all week and hasn’t even been home) on the situation so he wouldn’t be blindsided.
I went back up yesterday afternoon to again fix a TV but he did seem to be back in the real world. At least he didn’t talk about things that hadn’t happened. I went through the medicines he keeps on his table and put the duplicates in another room so he isn’t as likely to be taking double doses, which may be what he did. Brother was supposed to stop in and see him when he got back last night, but don’t know if he did or not. If not, then I’m sure he’ll go over this morning. I’m going to let his primary care doc know about this episode of reality screwed up, even if he is ok so that it can be documented and the doctor is aware. Dad would never allow us to have him hospitalized freely as when this happens he believes it is real and we’re trying to “put him away”. So Prayers would be appreciated for all of us.
Picked up J’s equipment and brought it home and set it up. It wasn’t too difficult and even though he wasn’t thrilled about using it, he did use it for 30 minutes while watching his TV. Today, I will increase that time by 15 or 30 minutes so he is gradually getting used to the idea and realizes the benefits. I didn’t make him wear it to bed yet, as I want him to do it willingly. Hopefully the plan works and he does have 90 days to use it like prescribed and that is 4 hrs a night/day. I think we’ll be able to get there.
Mowed and watered yesterday evening after all the other stuff was taken care of to include going to Dad’s. I have a couple tomato plants with tiny green tomatoes so that was exciting! Can’t wait to slice one of those big boys and savor the taste of home grown tomatoes again!
I’m suppose to attend a meeting at 2 and then a birthday party at 4 and at this moment in time, I don’t want to go to either. I’ll see how I feel about them later and then decide whether to go or not. It is supposed to be in the 90s again today so Yuk!
I’m so grateful for AC!!
Take care and God Bless
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