Thoughts on Brexit in In which our ignoble friend

  • June 24, 2016, 3:45 p.m.
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If Scotland cut and run, do I lose my UK passport? Do I, regardless of that, gain a Scottish one? Should I try for an italian one via my paternal grandfather?

Will all of the tech companies leave to get access to the single market? Microsoft, Google … all of the real players are international, here for the city of london financial advantage. Maybe there’s a better talent pool here than europe, but I doubt it. Certainly India and SE Asia win on balance of skills and cost, I watched my dad run up against that a couple of times.

F’s taking it pretty hard. The real issue is that, on this one, fiction (scare mongering about immigrants, nationalist bluster bordering on fascism going on about returning to a fictitious prior golden age of british prosperity. As though believing britain can be great again is the only requirement for making it so.) knocked reason and fact on its arse.

We have to get enlightened self interest back to the less fortunate and the less educated. Help them to understand they’re being used to serve the interests of others at their own expense.

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