That wasn't nice in Vulnerability
- April 24, 2016, 8:14 p.m.
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Well I got through another work-week, somehow. Still not up to my usual standard but oh well.
Today is a public holiday (ANZAC Day) but it’s my usual day off anyway. I didn’t make the dawn service because last night was not a pleasant night for me at all. I don’t know how I even managed to sleep. I just could not stop coughing. It was out of control. So I took some more Rikodine.
Well, that was a mistake.
I took 10ml instead of 5ml because I felt I needed it. The dosage says 5-10ml every 4 hours as required, but I knew shortly afterward that something wasn’t right.
The side-effect that the pharmacist had warned me about (the respiratory depression) was obviously showing signs. My breaths were wheezy and the coughs would not clear unless I absolutely violently forced myself to cough.
I’d bought a packet of aloe vera tissues from work, which I was going through like wildfire, trying to keep my nose clear as much as possible. I knew if there was going to be any chance of sleep, I was going to need my nose to breathe.
Ergh, that was horrible. Horrible, horrible. I am now too scared to take any more of the Rikodine. It confuses me because I swear when I took this last time, I didn’t have that horrible symptom. So, I think I’ll stick to the usual store-bought cough syrup if this happens again. I like to breathe properly, thanks.
I’m in a weird place. I’m clearly still not well enough to do my usual thing. Gym has been off the cards for a month now and I am dreading going back and having to ease myself into the ropes again, but I know the benefits of going outweigh the negatives. I just do not have the energy back yet.
Some days lately have been better than others. The coughing seems to set in at night and thankfully leaves enough during the day for me to forget about it (well, that part of it. The no-energy reminds me), then when night rolls around again, I’m reminded of it.
I just have to go by the docs advice that this is the post viral cough on the way out, and I have to put it down to the Rikodine making me feel so horrible last night. I’m thankful the pharmacist gave me that warning, because I’d be very confused and probably checking myself into the hospital if she hadn’t. I will see how I go tonight.
Vish got up me because I haven’t seen him and his boyfriend in a month. I told him I’ve been dying. Apparently he is sick now too. I’ve noticed quite a few customers at work have been coughing lately, so welcome to the club bitches! You’ve got a long road ahead yet if it’s anything like what I’ve been through.
My work had a work Christmas party last night (I know right, Christmas party in April, SO organised). Andrew asked me yesterday at work if I was going and I told him, “Sorry, I’m too sick”, and he’s like, “You suck!”
I hardly imagine I’d be much fun hacking away, stuck on a boat on the Brisbane river, unable to escape without swimming to shore.
It sucks because I’m hardly ever social anymore and the one time something comes up, my body fails me.
I’m sure they had fun without me.
Edit: There was a strange guy wandering around downstairs when I woke up yesterday morning. I heard him walk through the front door, so obviously it had been left ajar all night. I went out to the kitchen to make breakfast and I went and ate it in my room because this guy was now sitting out on our back deck.
I knew it had to be one of Nick’s friends, because he’d had another party on Saturday night, but still, it was fucking weird when Nick was nowhere to be seen (I assume asleep) and this stranger was wandering around.
Anyway, when I was in my room, this guy went back upstairs and next thing I know my other housemate’s cat shoots downstairs and I can hear her clawing away at the lounge. I go to stop her and find her hidden underneath the couch-cover. She looked really scared. Granted, she’s a scared-y-cat most of the time, but she legit looked it. So I have no idea what happened upstairs.
Anyway, I heard the front door close again, but once again it was left ajar, and I had to leave for work, and I wasn’t leaving the house leaving it unlocked, so I locked both the back and front door. I figured if that guy wanted to get back in, he’d have to wake Nick up and get him to let him in.
Fuck that shit. I don’t want any of my shit stolen. In the years I’ve lived here, we’ve been broken into at least three times, and I wasn’t about to make it wasy for the fuckers.
I sent Alex a text explaining about his cat, and when he got home tonight, we talked about it a little. My housemates don’t really like each other much at all, so Alex said he was going to tell our landlord what happened. I warned him that shit will hit the fan if he does, but it’s up to him. Our landlord is VERY against strangers being in the house when no-one else is, and that’s exactly what happened this morning.
Fuck, seriously Nick. I’m all for getting drunk and having fun, but show a little respect when you live with people.
I was joking with my manager at work that I might get home to find all my shit stolen. Thankfully that didn’t happen. Although my laptop and my phone are both on the way out I think, so it wouldn’t totally be the end of the world. I’d miss my TV and DVD’s though.
Last updated April 24, 2016
Deleted user ⋅ May 01, 2016
Wow, just wow.